Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

A few years ago the Council on Competitiveness identified the trend toward micro-multinationals — those startups and small businesses that have become multinational in their operations, marketing, sales and/or distribution without waiting to “grow up.” And as I pointed out a couple of weeks ago, you needn’t assume you have to be a large business in order to go global or cross a few borders. Today, inexpensive technology and services that are readily available make it possible to leapfrog over the regional and expansion, and jump immediately to global.

That said, here are the top 5 steps that a startup or small business like yours can become a micro-multinational in 5 steps:

(1) Invest in your online presence – the World Wide Web is the gateway to doing international business. It opens up international business channels. With a good website you can have can near boundary-less marketing. You have a place to connect with and communicate with customers.

Don’t overlook social media in the online mix. One of the distinguishing trends that we’ve identified at Small Business Trends as coming out of the explosive growth of Twitter is how much communication takes place in one spot online, emanating from different countries. It is evidenced by the different languages you see. For instance, some of my Twitter followers write in two languages, and mixed in amongst the English tweets I regularly see Twitter messages in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Polish — you name it, I’ve seen it on Twitter — and I see it daily. What an amazing online venue making the world smaller

To read the full, original article click on this link: Become a Micro-Multinational Small Business in 5 Steps

Author: Anita Campbell