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Nothing defines a leader more than their communication style and effectiveness. How we’re perceived is often subject to change, though. If we need lessons we don’t need to look any further than this (admittedly subjective) list of the Best and Worst Communicators of 2010 from the world of politics, entertainment, sports and the news.

This annual list of best and worst communicators is from Decker Communications, a prominent San Francisco based executive communication training and coaching company that’s been training– and assessing– leaders for over 30 years.

According to Ben Decker ( the company’s President) and Kelly Decker (Executive Vice President) here is this year’s somewhat surprising list of those who showed how the perception of their leadership is tied directly to their ability to communicate.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Who Were The Best and Worst Communicators of 2010? | BNET

Author: Wayne Turmel