Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

In speaking with strategic innovation and R&D leaders at companies across industries and across the globe, I have been afforded the unique opportunity to hear the challenges – both internal and external – 10 Innovation Trends of 2010that global companies are facing relative to innovation.

It is based on these interactions that I formulated the following list of the top innovation trends, which I first presented at Invention Machine's inaugural Power to Innovate user conference event back in 2008 and recently revisited in this year's user conference keynote address  - The New Innovation Economy:

  1. 2010 will kick off the Innovation Decade.
    The Innovation Olympics have begun on a global basis – companies as well as countries are vying for supremacy in this innovation race in the decade of 2010.  This is a critical decade and the strategies and actions in place in this decade are going to impact us for the next forty years taking us to 2050.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Ten Innovation Trends of 2010

Author: Mark E. Atkins