Although the economic downturn was historic, we were surprised to see how many savvy investors and startups simply shut down during this time period. While conserving cash was critical to survival for a lot of companies, whenever possible, that should have been done within the framework of doing more with less, rather than simply doing little or nothing at all.
It’s not part of our inherent DNA as entrepreneurs to eschew risk, and we must once again celebrate and reward the risk-takers among us as we head into 2011, because it’s these groups of individuals that will help pull us out of the morass of the past two years.
We’re already seeing signs that the startup community is getting back to its innovative roots, and we fully expect entrepreneurial endeavors to come back into style over the next year. Companies and consumers are beginning to spend again, the exit markets are rebounding, appetites for risk are resuming and natural selection has taken place – thinning out weaker organizations, as the stronger have survived.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 7 risks worth taking in 2011 | VentureBeat
Author:Steve Fredrick and Don Rainey