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This interview with Catherine Winder, president and executive producer of Rainmaker Entertainment, an animation studio, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant.

Q. What are the most important leadership lessons you’ve learned?

A. I learned that everybody needs as much communication as possible — you can’t overcommunicate. That came about through many different projects and situations I was in where people weren’t clear what the vision or the direction was, and you could see the creative, the production and the budget all being affected.

So it’s key to give everybody context and vision and clarity of what we’re trying to achieve. In our business, you only have so much time and money, and you’re trying to get as much creativity on the screen as you can. So you have to make sure that those parameters are set, and that everybody’s working toward the same goal.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Catherine Winder on Vision at Rainmaker Entertainment -