Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

The 2015 Entrepreneur Expo will be held on Tuesday, November 17th at the BWI Marriott in Linthicum, MD.  This 5th Annual event is hosted by TEDCO and is the only large-scale event dedicated to promoting the key to Maryland's innovation economy, its entrepreneurs.  The 2015 Entrepreneur Expo is expected to draw the region’s top entrepreneurs, business owners, investors, legislators and researchers. This year’s keynote speakers are Rent the Runway Co-Founder Jennifer Fleiss and Maryland-born NASA Astronaut & USAF Col Terry Virts.
2015 E2E Infographic1 pdf 1 page


The 4th Annual K-TECH, themed “Automated Future: Human + Technology” opens on November 12-13 at the Santa Clara Marriott featuring technology’s top minds to explore and demo the big ideas driving one of Asia’s most dynamic economies among 1,000+ business influencers, entrepreneurs and investors. This year’s K-TECH includes a conference, business expo, startup pitch, job fair and partner events by innovative organizations from across the Korean economy. K-TECH has been distinguished in the US as the chief event for investors looking to team up with Korean high-tech companies.


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It’s time to put an end to the urban legend of the impending death of America’s suburbs. With the aging of the millennial generation, and growing interest from minorities and immigrants, these communities are getting a fresh infusion of residents looking for child-friendly, affordable, lower-density living.

We first noticed a takeoff in suburban growth in 2013, following a stall-out in the Great Recession. This year research from Brookings confirms that peripheral communities — the newly minted suburbs of the 1990s and early 2000s — are growing more rapidly than denser, inner ring areas.


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Mark Suster

In our industry we always talk about funding big ideas or funding things with more meaning. It’s something Yves Sisteron & I have been talking about for years at Upfront Ventures. Today we’re proud to talk more about Grove Labs – we really hope you’ll quickly check out this innovative product and we think many of you will be as impressed with Grove as we have been.


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Another survey, more disconnect on digital health.

In a new report from New York-based law firm White & Case, a whopping 93 percent of technology and life-sciences company executives said that digital healthcare is an integral part of their overall business strategy. But just 37 percent of those in life sciences have “well developed” plans to bring digital health products to market, compared to 62 percent of tech companies.


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Ifamilyf your family isn't just "me, the kid, and my partner," but, rather, "me, the kid, my partner, and both our careers," then you're probably in the midst of a Flying Wallendas-like balancing act trying to keep everything on track. But figuring out whose career should take precedence in a family is never simply about dollars and cents.


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The more immersed in your role you become, the more tasks and projects you end up taking on. In theory, at least, that’s how you pick up the experience to get promoted, then hand off lower-level assignments to others.

But it doesn’t always work that way in practice. Many companies are still trying to squeeze more out of fewer employees, in what some experts see as a symptom of the lingering economic hangover from the last financial crisis.


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Distressed Communities Index Economic Innovation Group

The Distressed Communities Index (DCI) is a customized dataset examining economic distress spanning nearly every community throughout the country.

As we found in a recent survey of likely voters in presidential swing states, a significant portion of Americans still feel like the recovery has left them behind — six years after the official end of the Great Recession. The DCI demonstrates that they don’t just feel it, they live it — over 30 million Americans to be exact — in communities defined by slow job growth, vanishing businesses, and fewer opportunities to move up the economic ladder.


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This Is Your Brain on Decision making Knowledge Wharton

The Science of Choices

My research focuses on how the brain makes decisions. We study decision-making in a number of contexts — under conditions of uncertainty and risk, and when the world is complicated by the behavior of others — and we try to understand what mechanisms in the brain actually drive us to make the decisions and choices that we do.


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When a company investigates a new product opportunity, it is important to define the problem, and the requirements that will dictate a viable solution, independently from the company’s existing lines of similar products or preconceived ideas of what a solution should entail. This is especially true when businesses are considering entering emerging markets or aim to realize opportunities to create high-performance, high-value products and services that appeal to consumers in poor and rich countries alike.


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Ever been lost? Wandering around in some strange place without a clue how to get where you’d like to be? Those of you old enough to remember what it was like before Google Maps and GPS are no doubt cringing, remembering the queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach as you wandered around hoping to see a familiar landmark. Or perhaps you’re smiling, thinking about the time you found an unexpected pleasure along the way before finally reaching your goal.


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Piero Formica

Enthusiastic creation of machines, and an equal fervour for consumption of new commodities and luxury goods: these are the two driving forces that have spurred in the society and culture of the Renaissance the attitude to the new sciences of artificial life – that which we nowadays call "second life" – with their strong impact on entrepreneurship.


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scott shane

Over the past 30 years, policymakers from around the United States have spent countless hours and numerous dollars on programs, policies, and incentives to create venture-capital clusters and to stimulate investments in their cities and regions. 

The end result of their efforts? Venture-capital investment activity is more concentrated in Silicon Valley today than it was in the late 1980s, when personal computers were all the rage, Mark Zuckerberg was but a toddler, and the web browser hadn’t yet been invented.


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The University of Cincinnati is co-hosting “University Start-Ups: Getting Beyond Challenges, Making It Happen” Nov. 9-10 in Louisville, a conference serving as a “mini boot-camp” on the various stages of creating a startup, from evaluating the idea to working with professional partners.   The event is organized by OVALS, formerly the Ohio Valley Association of Life Sciences, although its scope now extends beyond life sciences; the group of universities regularly holds conferences on startups and commercialization topics. UC was a founding member of OVALS 14 years ago.


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The A to Z of Tech Clusters

Brett Gilbert, associate professor at Rutgers Business School, discusses how clusters, or groups of companies that congregate in a region around a particular field, are evolving. For more related insights, read “How Tech Clusters Form.”


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The University of Utah has earned a reputation as a leader in innovation. At the U, we engage our more than 30,000 students in ways that inspire and motivate the exploration of ideas. We encourage research on to- day’s most important topics and have created a cross-disciplinary culture that blends the arts and sciences in exciting ways. In this unique and collaborative environment, students learn, entrepreneurs thrive and scientists ourish. e university is a national leader for patent generation and launching startup companies.

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I perused the restaurant menu for several minutes, struggling with indecision, each item tempting me in a different way.

Maybe I should order them all . . .

Is this a silly decision not deserving deliberation? Maybe. But I bet you’ve been there. If not about food, then about something else.

We spend an inordinate amount of time, and a tremendous amount of energy, making choices between equally attractive options in everyday situations. The problem is, that while they may be equally attractive, they are also differently attractive, with tradeoffs that require compromise. Even when deciding between kale salad (healthy and light), salmon (a heavier protein), and ravioli (tasty, but high carbs).


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Kendall Almerico

The SEC has finally released rules for Title III of the JOBS Act, the equity crowdfunding law. Nearly three years and seven months after the potentially game-changing bill was first signed into law, equity crowdfunding will be available to startups and small companies in 180 days. Yes, we get to wait another half a year before anyone can actually use equity crowdfunding, but at least now we know it will happen.


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Many of us spend upward of eight hours a day at a desk, staring at a computer screen. Naturally, this can create some aches and pains.

While some people choose to switch to a standing desk, there are some other simple ways to make your current desk and computer more ergonomic. One way to avoid strain? Pick a keyboard that doesn't have a number pad. It keeps your hands centered and prevents you from leaning or twisting too far in one direction.


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As Virgin Media becomes the latest big corporate to launch an accelerator programme, The Memo looks at what's driving the trend.

This morning Virgin Media joined the ranks of Telefonica/O2, Barclays, BBC Worldwide, John Lewis and hundreds of other corporates with their own business accelerator programme, lending a helping hand to the new generation of tech-savvy businesses.

Image: Richard Branson has added an accelerator programme to his successful Pitch to Rich business competition.  -

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