Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


In his book, Joe has suggested that entrepreneurs by and large fall under four different types of entrepreneurial DNA. These in turn leverage their different and unique strengths, define their weakness and also indicate the tendencies they have. The four types of entrepreneurs are:


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That feeling that you are working more is likely true, a 2014 Gallup report found that the average U.S. worker’s 40-hour-work week has crept up to about 47 hours—and could be longer, depending on where you live.

What’s wrong with us?

Possibly nothing, says Matthew Kelly, president of Chicago-based workplace consulting firm Floyd Consulting, Inc. and author of Off Balance: Getting Beyond The Work-Life Balance Myth To Personal And Professional Satisfaction. More of us than ever love our work. And if we’re not hurting ourselves or others, it’s OK to work longer hours.


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While Hollywood has tried to get the story of the rivalry between Apple visionary Steve Jobs and Microsoft trailblazer Bill Gates right, Steve Wozniak had a front-row seat as it went down in real time.

Wozniak was the cofounder and technical genius behind Apple. In that role, he was the man who brought Jobs' visions to life. Over the years, he would get to know both Jobs and Gates very well as Apple and Microsoft weaved in and out of being competitors and partners.


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While the innovation economy of today and tomorrow needs more students mastering science, technology, engineering and math, that same economy also needs students who can put STEAM into STEM.

The “A” stands for “arts,” as in the liberal arts, and students with skills in the liberal arts need to know that the 21st century economy offers career opportunities for them as well.


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What I mean to say is: Mind your buzzwordlittered jargoninfested language. Yikes. Too much? Well, let me tone it down a little.

Among the many things that irk me about dealing with consultants, the one that tops the list would probably be their penchant for buzzwords. Every industry has its own collection of buzzwords. They are carefully inserted into research papers and proposals, if only to lengthen sentences that could have been understood in half the word count and quarter the time. They are skillfully included in conversation and are so overused or misused that eventually, a carefully constructed sentence makes no sense at all.


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With 100,000 cases of skin cancer resulting from overexposure to ultraviolet light in Britain every year, the dangers of too much sun are well known. Dr David Hazafy, a scientist at Queen’s University Belfast, believes there is another problem: those afraid of getting skin cancer do not venture outside and deprive themselves of the vitamin D their body needs.

His solution is a simple and cheap piece of plastic which can be tied around the wrist and contains an ink which disappears when the user has been exposed to the recommended daily dose of sun for their skin tone.


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BERLIN — Six weeks ago, Silke Wommelsdorf ditched an unhappy 30-year career in corporate sales to open a dog salon. Now the 51-year-old can't wait to meet her four-legged clients in the morning.

"Dogs have been my passion since I was a kid," she said. "I thought to myself, it's now or never. I wanted to live my dream."

Image: Heike Arnecke, 59, with guests at the adult day care business she opened six years ago. (Photo: Heike Arnecke)

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google logo

When Google announced that its new Photos app would be free and come with unlimited cloud storage it crossed a line that many in the tech industry had been watching with fear.

Price: $0.

The cloud-computing industry reads like a who's who of profitable tech giants. But they've been nervously watching a competition started by Amazon, matched by Microsoft, and taken up with gusto by Google.


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Think about surfing, and you're likely to conjure up images of waves, wax and blue skies. 3D printing and software, not so much.

A number of Australian startups are uniting the beloved sport with technology in innovative ways, making high-tech surfboards, helping surfers find their perfect board shape and size, and challenging the hold big brands, like Rip Curl and Quicksilver, have on the market.


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When the accelerator boom slows down those in the business need to have a clear USP.

We recently took the EF team away for our first retreat. It was a pretty simple affair, an Airbnb in a tiny village with board games for entertainment (Avalon and One Night Ultimate Werewolf mainly). While discussing the future of EF we got chatting about the future of accelerators. 

The last couple of years has been a boom time for accelerators. There are now more than 60 of them across the UK, two thirds of which didn’t exist before 2010. 


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A tidal wave of valuable data is surging from the Internet and connected devices today, and the volume is growing exponentially each year. It’s enough to drown any business which tries to fight it or ignore it, and it’s an opportunity to ride higher and faster than even the successes of Google and Facebook, for those startups that use it as their driving force.

Image: Image via @_DataTsunami on Twitter

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John Boitnott

If you thought being an entrepreneur was tough, then you’ve never lived in the shoes of an investor. Whether you’re a VC or angel, investing in startups is risky business. That’s not saying that if a startup fails you’re out on the streets. It just means that if you don’t pick any winners, it’s time to find a new line of work. Investors are in the business of founding a startup in the hope that it becomes successful - which will also make them a hefty return in the long-run.


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computer chip

There are many commentators who argue that there is a bubble in Silicon Valley today. They may or may not be right, but there is certainly a bubble in places named after the preeminent global tech ecosystem.

Silicon Border. Silicon Hills. Silicon Steppe. Silicon Prairie. Silicon Roundabout. Silicon Gulf. Silicon Avenue. Silicon Canal. Silicon Alley. Silicon Beach. Silicon Forest. Philadelphia has a groaner of a region with Philicon Valley (whoever invented this should be banished from marketing for five years or forced to market Path). That leaves Korea as one of the only places in the world to emphasize geography over metals with its Honghap Valley district.


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Age: 62

Company: Nintendo

Best known for: Creating some of the biggest, most influential games of all time.

Quote: "I think that inside every adult is the heart of a child. We just gradually convince ourselves that we have to act more like adults."

Nobody knows the meaning of the word "fun" quite like Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto. He joined Nintendo in 1977, just as the company was starting to transition into video games. Miyamoto's first big breakthrough moment was Donkey Kong, a game that was actually inspired by the love triangle dynamic in Popeye. But instead of Bluto, Popeye and Olive Oyl, it was a gorilla (Bluto) a carpenter (Popeye) and a girl (Olive).


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tom still

If not the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp., what?

That's the question that must be asked — and properly answered — for Wisconsin to embrace and execute an economic development strategy consistent with the realities of a competitive world.

Legislators and others are properly concerned over examples of unsecured or otherwise questionable loans by WEDC in its first year or so of existence, when it was transformed from the former Department of Commerce into the quasi-public authority it is today.


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These days every new entrepreneur understands that an innovative product or service is necessary, but not sufficient, to start a business. You have to build a web presence with marketing content to get visibility above the almost 300 million other new websites created last year, and attract the customers you need. But most entrepreneurs don’t know where to start. 


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Have a look at all the heavy hitters coming together with the hope of making Philadelphia a better place for health IT startups.

There’s venture firms like Safeguard Scientifics and Ben Franklin Technology Partners, industry champs like Independence Blue Cross, research institutions like Drexel and healthcare providers like the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Thomas Jefferson University and the Jefferson Health System and the University of Pennsylvania Health System. Also, Comcast. It’s a lot.

Image: (Photo by Flickr user @redjoe, used under a Creative Commons license)

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