The Triangle Region of North Carolina has many, many assets that will almost ensure a perpetual place in the high tech innovation space. Some of these:
- The foresight to reserve land and build infrastructure 50 years ago in RTP
- The constant production of tech talent by our locally based institutions of higher education including our three R1 universities, NC Central, our independent Colleges and Universities, Wake Tech and Durham Tech.
- The diversity of our base — biotechnology, medical devices, technology infrastructure, decision analytics, health care, financial services IT–we are not beholden to any one industry and it somewhat blunts the effect of a downturn in any one area.
All this being said — we have moved into an environment where adoption of innovation is becoming more and more rapid. Think about how long it took for 50 million users to adopt the car, the radio, the television–think about how long it took for 50 million users to adopt the iPod, register for Facebook. What used to be country by country innovation is now global interconnected innovation. Countries, areas that show a penchant for bringing ideas to market and scale will out compete other areas of the world.