Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia said Thursday it is establishing a relationship with Osage University Partners, a venture capital fund that invests in new companies spun off from universities and academic research centers.

“This partnership offers a mechanism to move our hospital’s innovative research into the marketplace, and better provide health benefits to children and families worldwide,” said Dr. Philip R. Johnson, CHOP’s chief scientific officer and executive vice president.

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The University of Kansas Innovation and Collaboration (KUIC) is unveiling their new name and new website highlighting the University’s model of commercialization in the educational entrepreneurial ecosystem. This evolution for KUIC helps the University of Kansas faculty connect with resources that can support their research, and guide it by protecting intellectual property and helping entrepreneurs launch businesses.

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“Drastic” federal budget cuts caused by sequestration threaten to derail major innovative breakthroughs — like an AIDS vaccine, 3D printing and digital learning — unless the Hub’s business leaders lobby Congress for change, the president of MIT told the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce this morning.

“We need to work together — as an innovation community — to battle the single biggest threat to our future success. And that is the drastic federal budget cuts known as ‘sequestration,’” said MIT President Rafael Reif, according to his prepared remarks.

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Scott Donaton, who's been an chronicler, judge, and creator of brand content, shares lessons of downright biblical importance for brands looking to connect with people through stories.

The challenge is clear by now: Intrusive, interruptive, self-centered marketing no longer works the way it once did, and its effectiveness will only continue to diminish in the social age. The question is what will replace the legacy model.

Image Courtesy of Arvind Balaraman /

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I’ve been told.

I’ve been told to make a plan, stick to it, and make it happen. I’ve been told to set a goal, set a date, and watch it come true.

I’ve been told to not set a goal. I’ve been told to let your course change as you go.

I just learned today that Christopher Columbus sailed in a Westerly direction. He didn’t sail for a destination, but he aimed in the direction of one.

Image Courtesy of Gualberto107 /

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CEO of Campus Apartments and this year’s 2013 NFTE Philadelphia Visionary Gala honoree, David Adelman started early. At age 13, he invested his Bar Mitzvah money in a property in Philadelphia, and by age 25, he took over Campus Apartments, functioning as CEO ever since. And he’s not alone. In fact, many entrepreneurs working today equate their success to an early pioneering spirit.

That’s one reason why NFTE Philadelphia has recently tripled its reach in middle schools to teach the basic vocabulary of entrepreneurship to students at younger ages. In addition to exposing young minds to business fundamentals, NFTE will pilot the national Start Up Math program in Philadelphia next school year to sharpen math skills and open the door to more opportunities for more students. The ultimate goal is to help young entrepreneurs recognize applications for their education from an earlier age and make the most of their middle- and high-school classes.

Image Courtesy of Arvind Balaraman /

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Google has become so ingrained in our lives that it's changed the lexicon of our daily communications. Can you remember a time that you didn't think to yourself "I'll just Google it"? As the tech behemoth marks its 16th anniversary, we take a look back at some of its milestones and accomplishments.

From the launch of Google Adwords in 2000 to the introduction of Gmail in 2006, and the first Android phone in 2008, this infographic from Wishpond, a maker of social-media marketing applications, maps the progress of the tech company.

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"Show me the money!" -- the famous line from the movie Jerry Maguire -- carries the sort of gusto and optimism that is ear candy to entrepreneurs. But as a professional negotiation coach with nearly three decades' in the trenches, I associate that catchy phrase with something else entirely.

The reality is most entrepreneurs begin to think about negotiation -- this includes the word "negotiation," setting up a meeting, and the overall negotiation process -- only when it's time to be shown the cash. In other words, in the minds of just about every small business owner, a negotiation is when the money talks.

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There is no one picture of intelligence, but many people with high IQs do tend to share some of the same habits -- both good and bad. For example, according to research complied by, while those with high IQs tend to set goals and read avidly, they are also more likely to drink more heavily and suffer from anxiety.

For more on the habits of smart people, including a look at the IQs of icons such as Albert Einstein and Bill Gates, check out the infographic below.

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SEC Logo

Yesterday the SEC held a meeting of top advisors and staff to discuss the latest rulemakings and initiatives from within the Commission. The Angel Capital Association was invited to speak on a new rule to go into effect on September 23rd that lifts the ban on general solicitation for private placement offerings under new Rule 506(c) of Regulation D.

Angel investors have been vocal about their concerns regarding certain elements of this new rule…

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It's easy to think that if we're pursuing our passions, living our dreams, or whatever the creative people are doing, then everything at work will feel "important, meaningful, and engaging," as psychologist Heidi Grant Halvarson tells Entrepreneur. But the thing is, she says, every job is a job; even if you're doing your life's work, it's still just a job.

Image Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /

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When a company gets big (like over 30,000 employees big), how does it retain a culture of innovation that celebrates experimentation, creativity, and crazy, cool ideas?

Enter the Google Garage, a space that according to Program Manager Mamie Rheingold serves as a "commons where Googlers can come together from across the company and learn, create, and make."

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San Francisco is beautiful, wealthy, and has a booming economy. But, of 10 cities surveyed for happiness, it has the least number of residents describing themselves as "very happy." Dallas/Fort Worth has the most "very happy" people.

The numbers come from a Harris Interactive poll of more than 2,000 adults. In Dallas, 38% of people described themselves as very happy, compared to 28% in San Francisco. Houston had the next happiest group of people: 36% of residents, followed by Atlanta and Philadelphia, which both had 34%.

Image Courtesy of kancp26 /

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Many due diligence reviews in mergers, acquisitions and investments have ignored the issue of independent contractor (IC) misclassification liability. This is a difficult exposure to identify unless the legal team digs below the information typically provided by the seller or available in public records. In view of the crackdown by federal and state governments on the misclassification of employees as ICs an increase in state misclassification legislation, and a steady stream of class action lawsuits claiming that certain workers have been disguised as ICs, due diligence efforts should not overlook this often hidden exposure.

Image Courtesy of Stuart Miles /

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The chaos from skyscraper-tall waves breaking deep underwater has been captured for the first time, researchers say.

Turbulence from these waves can generate thousands of times more mixing in the deep ocean than previously thought and, in turn, potentially require a critical rethinking of global models of climate and the oceans, the scientists who got a look at the phenomenon added.

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jobs act

A year and a half ago congress passed the JOBS Act (Jumpstart Our BusinessStart-ups) by an overwhelming margin. It was meant to supplant laws that are nearly eight decades old that limit the ability to invest in start-ups and small businesses to banks and wealthy individuals. At the signing ceremony President Obama said, “For the first time, ordinary Americans will be able to go online and invest in the entrepreneurs that they believe in.

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Knowledge is Power

In his new book Knowledge and Power, futurist George Gilder challenges existing economic theories of both Keynesians and libertarians by placing creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship at the center of economic development.

In the early 1990’s, Gilder predicted the “end of television“ as the source of mass media entertainment, news and information; the importance of fiber optics with near-infinite bandwidth for data communication and a mobile device in your pocket which would be your phone, source of information and wallet.

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The TENN covered 1,229 miles last week as they traveled throughout Tennessee to meet with executives at the state’s top corporations. Sponsored by The Blackstone Charitable Foundation, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, Eastman Chemical Company and First Tennessee Bank, The TENN Roadshow – the first event of its kind in our state’s history – included stops in the Tri-Cities, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville and Memphis.

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