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innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Formula 1 Racecar

Many marketers (and founders who are ready to get more serious about marketing) are eager to pick Jaleh Rezaei’s brain, and it’s not hard to see why — she’s got impressive chops. The CEO and co-founder of Mutiny, a B2B personalization platform, previously cut her teeth as an early employee and later Head of Marketing and Business Development at Gusto, where she led a team of over 20 marketers.


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Startup Start Up Business Free image on Pixabay

In this episode of The Venture, we share a conversation with Anne O’Riordan and Michael Poon, senior executives with Jardine Matheson, a conglomerate with interests in various sectors throughout Asia. O’Riordan and Poon discuss with McKinsey’s Andrew Roth how their organization has managed relationships with start-ups to benefit its legacy businesses, invest in new markets, and form successful joint ventures. At the close of the interview, McKinsey’s Violet Chung offers her insights. An edited transcript of the podcast follows. For more conversations on venture building, subscribe to the series on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


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Women in Science - A Question and Answer Session

The work Cathy Rasmussen does at Forward BIO Institute can’t be boiled down into a neat, cocktail-party answer. And yet, the effects of her work have the potential to touch millions of lives.

As assistant director at the Forward BIO Institute, Rasmussen is part of a team helping guide academic innovations into pharmaceutical realities. The Forward BIO Institute works alongside academic researchers, helping them structure their work in such a way that it will be primed for FDA approval and acceptance into the private sector. In that way, they bridge the gap between discovery research happening in academia and development work more typical of a commercial setting.


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This article is part of a series entitled “The Future of Management”, about how changes in culture and technology are reshaping what managers do. INSEAD professors Pushan Dutt and Phanish Puranam serve as academic advisors for this series.

The Covid-19 pandemic has hurled life and work as we once knew it into a state of near-paralysing uncertainty. So much has changed about our world so quickly that our first instinct may understandably be to find some small patch of solid-seeming ground and plant ourselves there for as long as we can, to await the resumption of normality. But the longer the virus lingers, the clearer it becomes that any form of normal – new or old – will be slow to materialise.


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Dr. Hubert Zajicek (Courtesy: Health Wildcatters)
Health Wildcatters is the Dallas-based healthcare accelerator that has long ranked as one of the nation’s best but the global pandemic and economic crisis turned its operation sideways. 

Granted, healthcare innovation has become an essential part of getting life back to some version of normal. But Health Wildcatters had to change fundamental elements of its program. The good news: those changes have created massive new opportunities for the accelerator, worldwide.

Health Wildcatters is the Dallas-based healthcare accelerator that has long ranked as one of the nation’s best but the global pandemic and economic crisis turned its operation sideways. 

Granted, healthcare innovation has become an essential part of getting life back to some version of normal. But Health Wildcatters had to change fundamental elements of its program. The good news: those changes have created massive new opportunities for the accelerator, worldwide.

Image: Dr. Hubert Zajicek (Courtesy: Health Wildcatters) -

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Econaissance Book Cover

The intertwining of Economics, Knowledge and Renaissance, introduced by Piero Formica in this book as ‘Econaissance’, fosters the culture of entrepreneurialism, and imagines the reawakening of learning and culture. Acknowledging that schools of thought inherited from the past must be reimagined to give birth to this new age, this book maps out how stakeholders across society can become agents of this unique pathway to economic development.  

Formica offers readers an innovative perspective, asking not just how me might do better what we already do, but also how we can engage in activities beyond the economic sphere, and help to usher in the dawn of a new renaissance age that acts on the principles of human knowledge as well as the economy. In doing so, Econaissance highlights the figure of the ‘Ideator’, the polymath of the twenty-first century, set to become the ultimate athlete of social progress fuelled by sustainable and environmentally friendly economic development. This book will equip educators, scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs, and more to play a part in this imagined future.


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Craptrap and Brainscope Logos

ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, October 26, 2020 – BrainScope, a medical neurotechnology company that is a pioneer in the use of A.I. and machine learning in the creation of biomarkers of brain injuries and disease was selected from five finalists as the company with the most commercial potential at the 5th Annual BioHealth Capital Region Crab Trap Competition. The Bethesda, Maryland based company is helping hospital Emergency Departments (EDs) objectively triage the almost five million patients that present each year with suspected mild traumatic brain injuries. BrainScope’s FDA-cleared decision support tool provides a rapid and accurate assessment of the likelihood of a brain bleed and a concussion, at the point of care.

BrainScope’s outstanding 99% sensitivity to a head CT scan is performed without the use of radiation, in a fraction of the time, and can improve ED efficiency and increase patient satisfaction. Clinical studies have demonstrated that when BrainScope is used in triage, hospitals can reduce the number of patients being sent for head CT by about a third. According to BrainScope CEO Susan Hertzberg, “We are honored to have been chosen from this exceptional group of companies and are very excited by the early reception we are receiving from the emergency medical community.  Now more than ever in this COVID-19 world, emergency departments need to have fast, accurate, objective tools to rapidly assess patient status and needed care.”


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Person Holding Syringe and Vaccine Bottle Free Stock Photo

In a long-awaited meeting on America’s crash program to deliver vaccines against the Covid-19 coronavirus, leaders of the program reviewed the measures they have taken to assure the effectiveness and safety of the vaccines. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration convened a panel of independent vaccine experts to ask questions during the Thursday online session. The meeting was designed to reassure the public on the integrity and transparency of the FDA’s vaccine oversight, as the agency has wrestled with political pressure and pockets of public vaccine hesitancy.


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diverse group of people standing arm in arm

Our approach to social responsibility includes empowering our people to give back to their communities, operating our firm in ways that are socially responsible and environmentally sustainable, and working with our clients to intentionally address societal challenges. This year has brought unprecedented turmoil and crises of health and racial injustice. These events have deepened our commitment to supporting communities across the globe, both in response to and beyond these crises. The work highlighted in our 2019 Social Responsibility Report lay the foundation for our response, and our 2020 report will convey how we continue to rise to these and other global challenges.


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airplane landing

Slowly back to the skies. Air travel in the US dropped 77% in April, as lockdowns were in full swing, but lately more people are getting on planes. Yet it’s still unclear what the future holds for the aviation industry. Airlines are working on issues such as whether it’s a good idea to open up middle seats and whether lower fares will be enough to lure potential travelers. (NYT)


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Bill Gates Characature

Everyone who starts or owns a business expects to be the best of breed, but only a few achieve that status. As a startup mentor and advisor, I often contemplate what makes the difference between winners and losers. I’m convinced that it’s a lot more than the foibles of any specific market, availability of funding, and just luck of the draw. I believe the best make their own luck.


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Image Credits: Nigel Sussman

The venture capital industry’s comeback from fear in Q1 and parts of Q2 to Q3 greed is worth understanding. To get our hands around what happened to private capital in 2020, we’ve taken looks into both the United States’ VC scene and the global picture this week.

Catching you up, there was lots of private money available for startups in the third quarter, with the money tilting toward later-stage rounds.

Image: Image Credits: Nigel Sussman -

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Cover image from Video

Johns Hopkins University Professor of Nursing Jason Farley discusses the lingering effects of Covid-19, infections in children, and improvements in coronavirus therapeutics. He speaks on "Bloomberg Surveillance." The Bloomberg School of Public Health is supported by Michael R. Bloomberg, founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP, the parent company of Bloomberg News. (Source: Bloomberg)

Image: - From Video

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Shallow Focus Photo of White Open Sigange Free Stock Photo

The economic damage to America’s cities from Covid-19 is deep, and recovery will require more than defeating the pandemic. About 60% of business closures are now permanent, according to recent data from Yelp. Our cities won’t revive until we create new businesses to replace those lost. Fortunately, there are tools available to boost business starts and restarts. Entrepreneurship is the vaccine to revive our urban economies.


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Greg Smith

If this year has taught us anything, it’s how quickly things can change. As much as we’ve seen the way we live and work upended over the last six months, we’ve also seen new opportunities emerge, especially in the realm of entrepreneurship. 

One promising area for those looking to start a business is sharing, and selling, skills and knowledge online.


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Ashley Armstrong

Millions of people around the world dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Be your own boss, work your own hours, and get to sit back and relax while telling others what work needs to be done.

Now if only being an entrepreneur was that easy!

Venturing out on your own path to not only run your own business but succeed at entrepreneurship, is a lot of risk even if you are only choosing to do it in your spare time. However, by implementing a business plan to handle the following dangers, you will have solutions in place to “get your ducks in a row” before jumping into the business owner pond.


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Brian Darmody

By Brian Darmody

Seventy-five years ago, Vannevar Bush, an electrical engineer who directed government research during the Second World War, authored Science—The Endless Frontier. His report called for a centralized approach to government research, which led to the creation of the National Science Foundation in 1950 and is credited as a path breaking roadmap for US science policy.

Over the next 75 years, the federal government invested billions of dollars of research, creating the world’s leading research universities, while places like Stanford University and state of North Carolina launched research parks; tech transfer programs stimulated by the Bayh-Dole Act flourished; and reforms in SEC regulations created the venture capital sector.

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