Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


WASHINGTON, D.C. – New discoveries by U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers are featured in USDA’s “2014 Annual Report on Technology Transfer.” Over the years, such discoveries have led to numerous patents and inventions with the potential for commercial application and economic growth.


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This article may be a little controversial but it is part of my mission to guide our entrepreneurs to success — and if we can stop our founders from wasting time doing things that will never bear fruit, then we are doing our job.

New venture founders are massively overly focused on VC-sourced funding – which may initially seem appropriate as lack of money is a problem that most startups face at sometime. However, there is undoubtedly a disproportionate amount of time and resource dedicated to seeking VC funding which will remain for most, a holy grail.


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Kristin Pryor

The University of Maryland is part of the reason that Maryland, as a state, is producing some really innovative entrepreneurial talent. Their student-run incubator and co-working space Startup Shell (shell, because the UMD mascot is the Terrapin -very clever, guys), which opened in 2012, is home to a lot of really interesting student-led projects. Most of the startups focus on students’ issues or problems related to fields that students are studying.


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Web design is (finally!) dying of irrelevance. Web pages themselves are no longer the center of the Internet experience, which is why designers need to move on to the next challenges — products and ecosystems — if they want to stay relevant.

Web design has no future — a risky statement I know, but this article explains why it has no future and what we, as designers, can do about it. As a discipline, web design has already exhausted its possibilities, an emerging combination of tech and cultural trends highlight the need for a broader approach.


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Throughout Wisconsin, there have been a lot of resources and energy devoted to business growth and job creation.

So it's understandable that the recent Kauffman Foundation Startup Index, reported by the Journal Sentinel and others, triggered broad concern. How is it even possible that Wisconsin is 50th out of the 50 states for numbers of business start-ups?


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Six months ago, my company, Jaco, was in Tel Aviv building the first version of our product. Today, we have dozens of customers and are raising funding from top-tier investors in Silicon Valley.

How did we get here so quickly? A ton of hard work — but also by joining an accelerator, UpWest Labs, and taking advantage of the resources offered to us in order to operate closer to our target market in the U.S.

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Biotech’s Coming Cancer Cure - Supercharge your immune cells to defeat cancer? Juno Therapeutics believes its treatments can do exactly that.

When Milton Wright III got his third cancer diagnosis, he cried until he laughed. He was 20 and had survived leukemia twice before, first when he was eight and again as a teen. Each time he’d suffered through years of punishing chemotherapy.


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Rotterdam Netherlands Holland Landscape City Air

The Boston-based Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) is opening a new start-up hub for innovation companies in Rotterdam, the Netherlands - the first of its kind outside of the US. The arrival of CIC is a huge boost for Rotterdam's innovation ecosystem. The Center will house 550 innovative companies and build upon CIC's international community of entrepreneurs, investors, and established businesses. 

The City of Rotterdam has put a lot of effort into drawing CIC's attention to the city, aiming to be a beacon for successful Dutch start-ups and a landing pad for international businesses. CIC Rotterdam will provide the missing link in both the Rotterdam and Dutch national innovation ecosystem, giving start-ups the potential to develop into world players.


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Laura Entis

Crowdfunding can be a great way to raise money for your business. But to truly capitalize on it, you first need to understand which type to pursue, says Sally Outlaw, founder and CEO of the crowdfunding consulting provider

There are three available models: donation-based, reward-based and investment-based crowdfunding.


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Santorini Greece Architecture Cyclades

Your money might get you a cool T-shirt or bolster a good cause, but pledging money to a crowdfunding campaign isn't the same as shopping online or donating to charity. Extra scrutiny may be required.

Google "Greek bailout fund" and the top search result is currently an Indiegogo campaign aiming to raise the 1.6 billion euro (or nearly $1.8 billion) payment Greece owes the International Money Fund on Tuesday. Indiegogo CEO Slava Rubin told CNBC last week that if the campaign is successful, the site will work with campaigner Thom Feeney — a 29-year-old Londoner — to arrange transfer of the funds to Greece.


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On the Rich Dad Radio show, legendary entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki said, “The worst thing you can teach your kids is to go to school and get a job.”

I wouldn't go that far -- if one of my kids wants to be a doctor they’ll need college -- but as an entrepreneur, I want to teach my kids how a life of freedom leads to happiness. Entrepreneurship is one option to experience that freedom.


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Jeff Haden

In many ways successful people are just like unsuccessful people. They come from all sorts of backgrounds, all types of demographics, have all levels of education and experience and expertise....

In many ways successful people are the same as everyone else.

Yet look closely and you'll see that in certain key ways, they are very, very different.


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Chemistry: Where alcohol IS a solution.

Biochemistry: Spend 4 years aspiring to discover the cure for cancer, and the rest of your life manufacturing shampoo.

Archaeology: If you don’t know what it is, it’s probably ceremonial.

Information Technology: Let me google that for you.

Computer Science (for a straight girl): The odds are good, but the goods are odd.


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time for change

People make big, difficult changes for two key reasons — to reap rewards and to avoid pain.

But what about entire teams that are deeply entrenched? How do you shake them up? As an HR executive, I’ve found that you sometimes have to show them future rewards or pain, especially if they’re comfortable and successful now. Though you may be able to see the writing on the wall, it can be tricky to get them to see it. That’s where data-driven experiments come in. They help shine a light on the opportunities and risks ahead, which can motivate stagnant teams to start thinking and behaving differently.


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According to College Board the average cost of attending a four-year college course in the U.S. has risen an astounding 41% in the last decade. A freshman going off to college this fall can expect to pay an average of $42,419 per year at a private university, $32,762 per year as an out-of-state student at a public university, or $18,943 at an in-state public university. Multiply those figures by four years and the average student with no outside financial help will have between $76,000 and $168,000 of student debt when they graduate.

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GoPro today announced its first all-new camera since 2006, the lightweight, cube-shaped, waterproof Hero4 Session. Priced at $399 and available throughout most of the world on July 12, the Hero4 Session is half the size and 40% lighter than the existing Hero4 line of cameras. It was designed to be much more simple than other GoPros, with a single button that starts and stops recording. It’s also meant to mount on objects, like bicycle spokes, that are too small to hold current Hero4s. It works with all existing GoPro mounts.

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