Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Nauseating demographic acronyms were commonplace in the baby boomer and generation X eras. Remember Yuppies (Young Upwardly Mobile Professionals) and Dinks (Dual Income No Kids)? Now there’s finally an acronym for affluent millennials, apparently. It is “HENRYs,” which stands for “High Earning, Not Rich Yet”. 2

The term been around for a while, it seems, but we came across it for the first time today in a research note published by those notorious millennial experts Goldman Sachs. It sounds hilarious (and there’s arguably some gender bias inherent to the male name) but HENRYs could be a very important market for the finance industry and everyone else in coming years.

Image: Plenty of HENRYs are in Austin for SXSW right now. (Reuters/Julia Robinson)

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Mark Cuban

Billionaire tech investor Mark Cuban said healthcare entrepreneurs would be better off pursuing the direct-to-consumer market rather than trying to get their technology into hospitals. He views sensors and big data analytics as potential game changers in healthcare that will help physicians do a better job of understanding their patients needs beyond the range of a doctor’s experience and the demographic profile patients fit.


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There are plenty of fish in the sea. Wise -- and true -- words often heard when one is searching for a potential life partner. And rather strangely, also true when referring to the current state of startup accelerators around the world. 

In the hunt for an accelerator, you need to find one that suits your business, a program that will equip your early-stage venture with the necessary support through the ups and downs of its entire life. And that's a huge commitment. 


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Let’s start with a short personality test. For each of the following dimensions, indicate the extent to which each of the following words describes you, with a 5 indicating “very much so” and a 1 indicating “not at all”: assertive, talkative, bold, not reserved, and energetic. Now sum up your scores. What’s the total?


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Around 11 p.m. one night, you realize there’s a key step your team needs to take on a current project. So, you dash off an email to the team members while you’re thinking about it.

No time like the present, right?

Wrong. As a productivity trainer specializing in attention management, I’ve seen over the past decade how after-hours emails speed up corporate cultures — and that, in turn, chips away at creativity, innovation, and true productivity.


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Inflation-adjusted wages for the typical American worker haven’t changed much over the past several decades. Just how much workers are feeling the pinch from low wages, though, depends in large part on where they live.

Average wages can vary greatly from region to region, and adjusting for the cost of living provides an approximation of how far workers need to stretch their paychecks. Governing compiled federal earnings data for private-sector workers, adjusting for the cost of living using an index published by the Council for Community and Economic Research.

Image: An employee at a ski resort near Flagstaff, Ariz., which has the nation's lowest wages and largely depends on tourism. (AP/Felicia Fonseca)

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We're been told countless times how important having a mentor can be to career success. But a less appreciated insight is that some people are easier to mentor than others. If you want to attract and keep great mentors, here’s how to stand out.

DON’T PUT ALL THE PRESSURE ON ONE PERSON Not only does seeking out multiple mentors take the pressure off each one, "You need more than one mentor in today’s complex career environment," says Wendy Murphy, a professor of management at Babson College and coauthor of the book Strategic Relationships at Work.


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Most of us want to squeeze more time out of each day. But once you’ve organized, listed, time-blocked and eliminated distractions, what else is there to do?

Plenty, says productivity coach Hillary Rettig, author of The 7 Secrets of the Prolific: The Definitive Guide to Overcoming Procrastination, Perfectionism and Writer’s Block. Often, the biggest time-wasters aren’t specific tasks, but behaviors that we get drawn into, she says. Once you learn to recognize them, you can stop them from eating minutes or hours that could better be used elsewhere. Here are five of the most common.


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Imagine what you can do with 13 hours a week.

On average, this is how much time we spend on email each week. Once engaged in the endless deluge of messages, it's difficult for our brains to exercise the discipline and restraint to refrain from continually peering into our hopelessly inundated inboxes. As Dmitri Leonov, the vice president at SaneBox despairs, "We no longer live in the blissful 'You've Got Mail' era, and our relationship with email has developed into something draining."


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New healthcare payment models set up under the Affordable Care Act, including accountable care organizations (ACOs) and bundled payment initiatives, are designed to reward providers for reducing healthcare costs while maintaining quality patient care. The aim is to reduce costs through greater cooperation and coordination among providers. This is a laudable goal, supported by the medical technology industry. However, the new incentives could also have the inadvertent effect of slowing medical progress and denying patients access to future medical innovations.


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PPeter Thieleter Thiel is the co-founder of PayPal, the investor who discovered Facebook, and the author of Zero to One, a short account of the counterintuitive thinking that’s made him a godfather figure in Silicon Valley (see “The Contrarian’s Guide to Changing the World.”)+

But what’s less well known about Thiel is his affinity for biotechnology. By now he has invested in more than 25 startups, one of which has already turned into a $1 billion success story.


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"We know more about the dark side of the moon than we do about our own oceans," biologist Dr. Paul Bunje told an audience Saturday at SXSW. And Bunje and the XPRIZE Foundation think we should do something about that. Speaking in a session, "Ocean Exploration: Illuminating the Unknown," Bunje outlined his and XPRIZE's belief that the oceans, which cover 70% of our planet, are a key not only to our own health and wellbeing, but to advances across a multitude of fields from engineering to pharmacueticals. But our oceans and the many diverse species within them are also suffering from crises brought on not only by pollution but by a general lack of comprehensive understanding.

Image: XPRIZE Foundation

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As a mentor to aspiring entrepreneurs, the most common question I get is, “I want to be an entrepreneur -- how do I start?” The obvious answer is that you need an idea first, but I’ve come to realize that the process is really much more complex than that. Many people with great ideas never make it as entrepreneurs, and true entrepreneurs can make a business out of anything.


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On a Sunday morning in a decaying and dangerous inner-city barrio in Lima, Peru, an unmarked white van carrying nearly a dozen bodies rumbles to a stop on the grounds of the National Institute of Neurological Sciences. Seated in a small waiting area to the rear of the building, a throng of well-dressed researchers and government officials watches intently. As the driver clambers out, an assistant hustles off in search of a hospital gurney. Within minutes, two men wheel the first body into the institute's imaging unit.

Image: Colored lines represent the life spans of species from several primate groups. Illustration by Gavin Potenza

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WASHINGTON, March 16, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following statement is attributable to American Geophysical Union (AGU) Executive Director/CEO Christine McEntee. The American Geophysical Union represents more than 60,000 Earth and space scientists worldwide.

"The American Innovation Act marks an important recognition of the transformative, long-term impact science has on the American economy and our quality of life. The American Geophysical Union (AGU) strongly supports Senator Durbin's vision for investing in research as a way to grow our economy, and we call on Congress to join us in that support.


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When and how to watch Friday s total solar eclipse

A total solar eclipse is coming on Friday, between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. GMT, and is sure to captivate people across Europe who will be able to see part of it.

The rare event will be visible in a wide swath of the Northern Hemisphere, seen as a total eclipse in the Faroe Islands and Svalbard, and as a partial eclipse all the way from Scotland to northern Africa.


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In countries where more of the population perceives that they have the abilities and skills to start businesses, a smaller fraction of people is deterred from founding companies by fear of failure at entrepreneurship, data from the 2014 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report reveals. The GEM researchers surveyed a representative sample of 206,000 people in 69 countries about their entrepreneurial beliefs, intentions and attitudes, and created national averages of the responses based on the answers to their questions


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The old adage, “If you’re not first, you’re last,” couldn’t be further from the truth when it comes to business success. Being first-to-market may have its advantages, but long-term success is not a race — it’s how you make a product or service better than that of your competitors. “Better” can mean anything from the product or service itself to customer service, pricing, or marketing strategy.


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There are a lot of great content marketing resources available for entrepreneurs, but one critically important thing that’s hard to get a handle on is an issue that’s less science and more art. The simple truth is that your articles can be technically perfect, but if they don’t tell a great story, you won’t connect with your readers. Fortunately, it’s easy to learn ways to tell better stories. Below are five way to do that.


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