Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


If your startup is looking for an angel investor, it makes sense to present your plan to flocks of angels, and assume that at least one will swoop down and scoop you up. Or does it? Actually numbers and locations are just the beginning. The challenge is to find the right angel for you, and for your situation. Here are some basic principles:


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The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) warned organizations against using Kaspersky antivirus software over fears it could be exploited for cyber-espionage or launching cyberattacks amid Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine.


We recommend and work with Avast.  Contact us today to get started.  -Ed.

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Founders here s everything you need to know about term sheets Sifted

For any founder, negotiating fair deal terms with an investor is key. Signing an unfavourable term sheet — the document that governs the terms of the deal — can, after all, be the beginning of the end.

With more VC money than ever available to European founders, the cards are increasingly stacked in founders’ favour when negotiating. But how can founders really know what to expect? 

In order to give founders a peek into what terms frequently look like, advisory firm Mountside Ventures analysed term sheets from 203 VCs, venture capital trusts (VCT), CVCs, family offices and angel groups across Europe. 


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Remote onilne work and smart working travel concep 2022 01 18 19 58 11 utc

Transitioning back into business travel after the Covid-19 pandemic isn’t as simple as buying a plane ticket. Individuals are having to remember how to pack efficiently, adjust to time zone changes, and modify their meeting schedules — and that’s on top of monitoring differences in travel restrictions, quarantine requirements, and Covid risk levels throughout the world.


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Francis Collins

President Joe Biden last week got his wish for a new agency to fund high-risk, cutting-edge biomedical research when Congress created the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) and gave it a $1 billion startup investment. That’s a fraction of the $6.5 billion Biden had proposed, but advocates say it’s plenty to launch ARPA-H.

The 2022 spending bill does not resolve, however, a debate over whether to make ARPA-H a standalone agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) or part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Instead, it gives HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra 30 days to decide.


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President Biden has signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022 (2022 CAA), which includes the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act (Cyber Incident Reporting Act).  The Cyber Incident Reporting Act requires certain critical infrastructure entities to swiftly report certain cyber incidents and ransomware payments to the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (Agency).  A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) will be issued within two years proposing the final rules to implement the requirements included in the Cyber Incident Reporting Act.


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Calendar 2021 08 26 20 11 08 utc

We’re in the middle of the richest time in human history. 

Half of the relevant industries and companies that we see now didn’t even exist just 10 years ago. It’s been transformative. Money moves faster now, and companies sell faster now.

And that wealth effect has transcended to millions of ordinary people globally have been beneficiaries just by standing in the wake of decentralized and digital commerce. 

But deep below the surface, there is much more that’s happening. Looking back after two years, the pandemic was the catalyst for a lot of personal and societal changes.


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Innovation in business 2021 09 01 23 55 22 utc

Innovation is the lifeblood of a company, but it takes consideration and effort to spark. It’s also not self-perpetuating – it always needs nurturing. But how can the people in your organisation come together in the best possible way to facilitate this?

Tom Kelley from design and consulting firm IDEO believes it is best done by recognising the 10 types of innovators and ensuring they are supported and able to use their skills readily. In his bestselling book, The Ten Faces of Innovation, he argues that we need teams that have people who can play each of these roles in order to thrive.


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Woman sleeping during a business meeting 2022 03 08 01 34 47 utc

Some organizations are trying to get a grip on wasteful meetings, introducing no-meeting days, empowering people to make their own decisions, and improving the way meetings are planned and facilitated. At their best, meetings are purposeful, inclusive (of the people who actually need to be there), and participatory.


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Timothy Adler

What is a venture capital term sheet?A term sheet is a document that summarises the key terms of an investment. Although the majority of terms are non-binding, it is a crucial document which determines the way a deal is structured between an investor and a company. It is used by lawyers as the template to draw up the more detailed investment agreements down the line.


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Beneath our feet is enough heat to power the whole world. Image Credit: USGS

One energy company is hoping to change the world by producing electricity from the heat found deep beneath our feet. Drilling deep down into the planet's surface is a particularly challenging feat - to date the furthest anyone has gone is around 7.6 miles, which is hardly 'Journey to the Center of the Earth'.

The problem lies in the fact that operating a drill at extreme depths and pressures is very difficult, as is transporting the drilled material from the bottom of a miles-deep hole back to the surface.

While probing what lies deep beneath our feet can provide large amounts of data for scientists hoping to learn more about the interior of the Earth, such endeavours also have another potential benefit in the form of geothermal energy.

Image: Beneath our feet is enough heat to power the whole world. Image Credit: USGS

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Words like disruption and change are regular parts of Lisa Dimson’s vocabulary. The CMO of fast-casual pizza brand Your Pie believes that her job is to be a change agent who leads the brand’s marketing team to reach customers and drive results.

“Whether it’s innovation in our go-to-market approach or creating new experiences that the customer embraces, we seek ways to bring new products or experiences forward,” she says. 


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A new text message mediation robot has been developed to help users control their anger, reveal scientists from the Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems at the University of Tsukuba.

This device may help improve social interactions as we move towards a world with increasingly digital communications.


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Modern train at the station train on tracks 2021 08 26 16 36 14 utc

A number of European countries have been asking their citizens to avoid short-haul flights between their countries.

It’s not just an environmental concern, but it’s one of efficiency.

A small 737 or Airbus flying between London and Paris, or between Amsterdam and Vienna, takes up the same gate space as a jumbo jet and needs the same separation in the skies.

Now, there’s an economic case to avoid short-haul flights.

For example, a coach ticket from Vienna to Paris can be as high as $350. However, a sleeper train starts at only $105 for private sleepers, breakfast delivery, private toilets, and showers.


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These iOS 15 4 and iPadOS 15 4 features will convince you to upgrade right now Macworld

If you’ve been using an iPhone or iPad for a while, you’re used to frequent updates to iOS or iPadOS. Some users update immediately, but many people take an “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” approach and wait months to hit that Download and Install button. The release of iOS 15.4 and iPadOS 15.4 is one of those occasions where you shouldn’t wait.

This is the most significant update to iOS 15 yet and comes with a number of bug fixes, new features, and welcome improvements. There are new emojis, a new Siri voice, additional webpage translation options, and lots more. But these are the big three features that are going to make you want to rush to Settings right now.


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Indian scientists develop touch-free touch screen that cuts virus spread

Scientists from the Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (CeNS), and Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced and Scientific Research (JNCASR) in Bengaluru have set up a semi-automated production plant for the production of printing-aided patterns, with resolution of around 300 Aum. These electrodes have potential uses in advanced touchless screen technologies.

This work by the team led by G.U. Kulkarni and co-workers and funded by DST-Nanomission at CeNS has been published recently in the journal ‘Materials Letters’.

Image: Indian scientists develop touch-free touch screen that cuts virus spread -

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Metal old gas or oil pipeline with valve pumps ga 2021 08 29 13 26 22 utc

The oil and gas (O&G) industry must embrace emerging technologies to deliver operational resiliency, agility, innovation, and better safety. Energy companies face several operational challenges, such as the lack of visibility in production, reliable methods to measure performance, and rise in maintenance costs. The dependence on archaic manual processes (often, paper-based), lack of reliable data sources, and inadequate analytics and visualization capabilities also make it difficult to deliver efficient and optimized processes. Organizations must turn to new technologies, such as cloud platforms, edge computing, industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) sensors, and augmented reality (AR) to improve operational efficiency.


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Longtime FastForward Startup s Acquisition Caps Founder s Entrepreneurial Journey Johns Hopkins Technology Ventures

Dozens of startups have called FastForward’s innovation hub in the 1812 Ashland building home since it opened five years ago. Now, one of the original tenants will be moving out for a good reason.

Avidea Technologies, which develops T cell immunotherapies to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases, was acquired by Vaccitech, a British drug and vaccine maker, in December 2021 for $40 million. The deal was the culmination of a lifetime of research and more recent entrepreneurial efforts by Geoffrey Lynn, Avidea’s co-founder and CEO, who attended the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.


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Old St Louis startup primes new downtown tech district Local Business stltoday com

ST. LOUIS — Just a few years ago, Stereotaxis was on the brink of insolvency, losing millions of dollars a year with millions more in debt.

Now, the local medical device company is growing revenues, adding investors and leaving its longtime home in the Cortex technology district. It expects its new space, at the Globe Building in downtown St. Louis, to more than triple manufacturing capacity.

Stereotaxis CEO David Fischel said the new building is designed for collaboration.

“It can accommodate significant growth of the team,” he said.


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