Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


SEATTLE, WA. (February 21, 2018) - Keiretsu Forum announced today that the organization is now listed as the number #1 “most active global investor by VC deal count” in the Pitchbook 2017 Global League Tables. Keiretsu Forum’s Northwest Region also announced Brianna McDonald as its new Regional President.

“As a member of Keiretsu Forum since its inception in the Northwest, I have experienced the profound positive impact that the chapter has brought to entrepreneurial growth in our community. The new study findings reflect that our approach is resonating with entrepreneurs and investors, alike,” said Brianna McDonald, newly announced President of the Keiretsu Forum’s Northwest Region.


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H 1B Visa Is Over Highly Skilled Foreign Workers Look to Canada as Trump Cracks Down on Program 🔊

Updated | Highly skilled foreign workers who have come to the U.S. on H-1B visas are looking to take their skills north, as the Trump administration moves to place tighter restrictions on the program. 

Vikram Rangnekar, the founder of—a platform that helps foreign workers in the tech industry make the move from the United States to Canada—said his site has attracted thousands of people looking to head north over recent months. 


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Smart operators will consider seven no-regrets moves to position themselves for advantage amid radically changing industry dynamics.

The fifth generation of wireless technology promises lightning-fast speed, incredibly low latency, and the capacity to carry massive numbers of connections simultaneously. Not surprisingly, the imminent arrival of 5G is creating a buzz in both the industry and the wider world.


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red wine

New research, which was presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s annual conference, has found that moderate drinking is linked to a longer life. Drinking about two glasses of wine or beer a day was linked to an 18% drop in a person’s risk of early death—an even stronger effect than the life-preserving practice of exercise, according to the researchers. The results came from the 90+ Study, a research project out of the University of California Irvine’s Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders that examines the habits of people who live to at least 90.


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Mark Suster

If I had just one wish for VCs it would be that they would preview the Ted Bunch “Man Box” talk at the Upfront Summit at their Monday Partner Meetings. I would love it if startup leadership teams would preview it to their executive leadership.

We need to learn from women and listen to them. We also need to start having a conversation amongst men about how men talk and behave and about the silence that leads to consent if we’re going to make necessary changes.


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Everyone has to leave home at some point. But rather than head across the country, some people head across the world in search of greener pastures.

Choosing where to go can be an overwhelming decision. HSBC Expat is making that decision a whole lot easier thanks to its annual survey of 25,000 expats around the world.

The survey, released Monday, reveals the best places to live in the world to earn the highest income as an expat. While US cities like San Francisco and New York made the top ten, it seems the direction to move is east. Asian cities made up four of the top ten cities for expat incomes.


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Hey, remember initial coin offerings, the almost totally unregulated form of investment vehicle in which investors trade real cash or assets in exchange for virtual “tokens” in cryptocurrency-backed startups? You know, that hot new crypto market that the Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort, warned everyone was rife with scams? Those very ICOs that the Securities and Exchange Commission told everyone to be very careful about because of the “greater opportunities for fraud and manipulation”?


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In the early 1980s, Irving Grousbeck and his colleagues at Stanford Business School launched a revolution in the way that entrepreneurs and investors fund, manage, and grow mature businesses. Their creation — the search fund — changed the way many investors thought about equity investments, turning fund managers into quasi private equity shops and posting impressive returns as a result.

One way to think about the search fund model is by comparing it to the three factors that go into a winning thoroughbred team: the jockey, the trainer, and the horse.


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stem cell

Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University and Waterloo University want to form a consortium in the city to engage in biotechnology R&D, source says – but hurdles remain

Four world-renowned universities are eyeing Hong Kong as a stronghold in Asia for developing cutting-edge stem cell research as the city’s financial chief is expected to announce incentives to make it easier for foreign research institutions to invest in innovation and technology locally, the Post has learned.


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When I was 25, during my annual review my (male) boss confirmed lots of positive things, such as how I exceeded my $26 million goal in sales. But he ended the meeting with his one big negative: “You need to smile more.” I was stunned. He explained that all the senior executives perceived my lack of smiling negatively.

Admittedly, I was rather intense and competitive early in my career, but apparently this smiling thing could derail my next promotion. At the time I didn’t realize that as a professional woman I was facing a classic double-bind dilemma — the trade-off women encounter where they can be perceived as either warm or competent, but not both.


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The 9th Annual State of Entrepreneurship Address Kauffman org

Too many are left out of our economy. The long-term decline in entrepreneurship has dragged down productivity, wages and living standards for all Americans. Put simply—fewer startups mean a lower quality of life. We need to eliminate barriers for anyone who has an idea to start and grow a business, and we need to redefine the meaning of "entrepreneur." This is how we work toward a new, inclusive and empowering economy.


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When Steve Jobs first came up with the idea for the iPod, it wasn’t actually a machine he had in mind, but “a thousand songs in my pocket.” It was, at the time, an impossible idea, because hard drives of that capacity and size just didn’t exist. In fairly short order though, the technology caught up to the vision.

That kind of singular focus and drive helps explain Jobs’ incredible success, but what about his failures?  The Lisa, a precursor to the Macintosh, flopped. So did his first venture after Apple, NeXT Computer. Even at the height of Apple’s dominance, there were missteps such as iAds. Apple TV still hasn’t really gained traction.


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1871 ranked best business incubator in world Loop North News

25-Feb-18 – 1871, the tech incubator located at Merchandise Mart, has been ranked the best university-affiliated business incubator in the world.

UBI Global, a data and advisory firm based in Stockholm, says its rankings are based on overall economic impact, value to members, and other factors. The rankings, it explains, help incubator managers, governments, investors, and early-stage companies understand where the top incubators are located.


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Being a consultant is a role that works with big companies, but I have found that it doesn’t get much traction in small businesses and startups. The image of a self-proclaimed expert who can generate a report, make a great presentation, and leave you to do the implementation, is just not attractive when you don’t have a staff, and you are already overloaded with the crisis of the day.


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What do Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso have in common? They are all thought of as born innovators. Creative geniuses. The myths and stories surrounding these three people support the notion that one is either born an innovator… or not. And if not, perhaps consider a career in accounting. (That’s a joke – I know I want my accountant to be highly creative).

Despite perception, great innovators are largely made, not born. Thousands of scientific studies have shown that simple tactics and methods can significantly improve anyone’s ability to be a great innovator.


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With federal spending on Medicaid experiments soaring in recent years, a congressional watchdog said state and federal governments fail to adequately evaluate if the efforts improve care and save money.

A study by the Government Accountability Office released Thursday found some states don’t complete evaluation reports for up to seven years after an experiment begins and often fail to answer vital questions to determine effectiveness. The GAO also slammed the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for failing to make results from Medicaid evaluation reports public in a timely manner.


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Sales is the fundamental talent of any entrepreneur. You need to sell your product or service, as well as yourself, to virtually everyone you meet. According to HubSpot, six in 10 salespeople say that when they have figured out what works for them as a sales technique, they don’t change it. This naturally begs the age-old question of whether an old dog can learn new tricks.

Adding new skills to your sales arsenal can be an effective way to enhance your sales game. You can always rest on your laurels and achieve the same results, or you can push yourself to learn a new sales technique that can increase your revenue year after year.


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BRUSSELS, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- The second European Industry Day concluded on Friday, during which science, start-ups, and industry were emphasised to be the focus for Europe to stay as an industrial endeavor.

Carlos Moedas, European commissioner for research, science and innovation said during the conference that science, start-ups, and industry were the momentum for Europe to lead the next wave of innovation.


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