Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Woman Sleeping Free Stock Photo

A night of fitful tossing. A bedtime and wake time that fluctuate daily. A workday that begins sluggishly and ends later than you intended.

If this sounds familiar, your work-from-home routine (or lack thereof) may be the cause. “We might expect that working from home allows people to sleep better, but studies conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic suggest this is untrue,” says Jennifer Martin, professor of medicine at UCLA and sleep-expert adviser at Precision Nutrition.


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INewImagen my experience, consummate entrepreneurs tend come up with more startup ideas than they can ever implement, and some of the ideas may not even make business sense. But how does any entrepreneur know which ideas to implement, and which ones are best left behind?

After all, most great breakthroughs, like a computer in every home, seemed like a crazy idea before Steve Jobs and Bill Gates made it happen. Now we are seeing a computer on every wrist, and in most household appliances.


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Rahkim Sabree

If you’re someone who not only has a good job, decent benefits and a great salary that you just can’t fathom giving up but also has an entrepreneurial passion for something outside of your job, you're not alone. When people embrace long-time passions or explore new ones, they often come to the crossroads of giving up the security of a 9-to-5 to explore their passion or tucking away their passions out of practicality. What if you didn’t have to choose? 


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Gareth Planck

THE global pandemic has reshaped how we go about much of our lives.

It has of course, also reshaped how many of us work on a day-to-day basis.

Kitchen tables and spare bedrooms have become make-shift offices where endless meetings are conducted over Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Despite the challenges, the adoption of technology to meet business needs, has been seamless.

For some, the concept of remote working is attractive, but it does not work for everyone. Despite this, questions are increasingly being asked about the future of the workplace and the possible death of the traditional office.


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The fall 2020 semester was supposed to be a good one for community colleges. The vast majority of students live near a community college, and many surveys of students said COVID-19 might persuade them to study closer to home this fall. Students unhappy with the options at four-year colleges would find out how good community colleges are and enroll. A boost in summer enrollments at community colleges (or at least some of them) promised more of the same in the fall.


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In his many years nurturing the Twin Cities’ startup scene, Reed Robinson noticed something that has been lacking: investors willing to provide capital at the pre-seed stage.

Now, Robinson is launching a new venture-capital firm called Groove Capital that will focus on pre-seed Minnesota-based startups. He plans to make 20-plus investments a year ranging from $50,000 to $100,000 starting early next year.

Image: Reed Robinson is launching a new venture-capital firm to help Minnesota startups. - Provided

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Life Is Now Neon Signage Free Stock Photo

If you are like many of the executives with whom we’ve been talking over the last few months, you and your leadership team invested years cultivating an effective culture — one that is both strategically relevant, because it prioritizes the behaviors essential to the success of your business, and strong, in the sense that employees trust that it is real and value it. Such cultures help companies attract and retain great people and contribute to fantastic bottom-line performance.


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Why the U S Is Losing the War On COVID 19 Time

It is a frightening time to live in the United States. COVID-19, a novel disease as ruthless as it is seemingly random, is picking us off by the thousands; even many of those who “recover” may never truly be the same again. The pandemic has exposed the gulf between what this country promises for its citizens and what it actually delivers. And as the U.S. barrels toward Election Day, the outbreak is sure to complicate the voting process, with potentially disastrous results.

Image: A healthcare worker sits on a bench near Central Park in New York City, on Mar. 30, 2020. Jeenah Moon–REUTERS

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This invitation-only event is free for executive level biotech leaders and is presented by BioHealth Innovation, Virginia Bio, Children’s National Health System, Johns Hopkins University, JPMorgan, Maryland Department of Commerce, George Mason University, University System of Maryland, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, AstraZeneca, Deloitte, and Montgomery County Economic Development Corp.


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Young entrepreneurs often are so excited by new technology or their latest invention that they forget to translate it into a value proposition that their customers or potential investors can understand and relate to. They become frustrated with investors, senior executives, and even customers who don’t seem to “get it,” with the result that everyone loses.


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Closeup Photography of Purple Silk Flowers With Dewdrops Free Stock Photo

It’s only natural to seek certainty, especially in the face of the unknown. Long ago, shamans performed intricate dances to summon rain. It didn’t matter that any success they enjoyed was random, as long as the tribe felt that its water supply was in capable hands. Nowadays, late nights of number crunching, feasts of modeling, and the familiar rituals of presentations have replaced the rain dances of old. But often, the odds of generating reliable insights are not much better.


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Two Woman in Black Sits on Chair Near Table Free Stock Photo

If you are a venture capitalist, you are almost certainly a man. But you would do well to know that your best chance to outperform the market is to invest your money in a company led by a woman.

That rule of thumb – cherchez la femme – would radically simplify complicated VC investment decisions. Yet, because men make up 91% of the VC industry’s executive ranks, the bottom-line performance of women-led companies has been chronically overlooked.

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Entrepreneurs are typically portrayed as a risk-loving, hard-working, adventurous bunch. Indeed, "undertaker" (as in someone who undertakes), "enterprise" and "adventurer" were among the terms used for entrepreneurs before the English language imported the term we now use from French.


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Greenland s melting ice sheet has passed the point of no return Business Insider

Greenland's ice sheet may have hit a tipping point that sets it on an irreversible path to completely disappearing.

Snowfall that normally replenishes Greenland's glaciers each year can no longer keep up with the pace of ice melt, according to researchers at Ohio State University. That means that the Greenland ice sheet — the world's second-largest ice body — would continue to lose ice even if global temperatures stop rising.

Image: Ice melted during a heat wave in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland on August 1, 2019. Caspar Haarloev from "Into the Ice" documentary via Reuters

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Drift is the fifth company I've founded, and I often speak with aspiring entrepreneurs and people just starting in their career as someone with years of experience building a business.

I have one piece of advice I share almost every time: learn from someone else's mistakes.

Simply put, learning from your failures is never fun to do. As John Lewis said, "the truth does not change, and that is why the answers worked out long ago can help you find the challenges of our time." 


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Crop man putting medical mask on face of ethnic child Free Stock Photo

The incubation period of a disease is the time between infection and the emergence of symptoms. Although it varies from person to person, understanding the average incubation period of an infectious disease is critical to controlling it.

Authorities use the incubation period to determine the length of quarantine, for instance, as well as to understand how the disease is transmitted and to identify the source of the outbreak.


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Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan. Image Credit: Office of Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan

Private companies across the state have joined local government to bolster innovation in Georgia.

Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan’s office announced the launch of the Partnership for Inclusive Innovation, a public-private partnership dedicated to making Georgia the tech capital of the Eastern seaboard.

Image: Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan. Image Credit: Office of Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan

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