Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Don’t be discouraged if you aren’t clocking 10,000 steps a day.

That threshold, often billed as the minimum for good health, originated in marketing, not medicine, when a Japanese company launched a pedometer in 1965 named, in English, the “10,000-step meter” with the slogan “Let’s walk 10,000 steps a day.”

“That really is the origin,” said...


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What’s the problem you are focused on?

My main goal is to steer scientific research towards having a positive impact on social and environmental issues. Industry focuses almost entirely on how research or science can create new, marketable products that increase profits for companies. As a result, our understanding of what constitutes valuable research and scientific knowledge is deeply skewed. All the conversations around incentivizing researchers, creating tax cuts for innovation, etc. — they are all geared towards economic impact, not social and environmental return.

Image: Melanie Marcel, founder of SOScience, is pushing the scientific community to open up to all forms of knowledge and unlikely alliances. MELANIE MARCEL

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Anthony Fauci

There are now more than 12 million coronavirus cases worldwide. A half million deaths. Yesterday, one American died every two minutes.

As the globe enters a frightening new phase of the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci addressed the world’s first global COVID-19 Conference on Friday, held virtually after the 23rd international AIDS gathering. Director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Fauci oversees the nation’s extensive research into this unique pathogen.


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Statue Of Liberty Free Stock Photo

For many international entrepreneurs planning to move their businesses to the U.S. or simply file for a visa extension, these are uncertain times. Consular posts are closed around the world and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) have temporarily suspended in-person green card and naturalization interviews. As some domestic offices begin to reopen, USCIS will reduce the number of appointments to ensure social distancing.


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Why We Need to Focus on Saving the Oceans This Year Time

For Mick Baron, the giant kelp forests of Tasmania were a playground, a school and a church. The former marine biologist runs a scuba-diving center on the Australian island’s east coast, and rhapsodizes about the wonders of the seaweed’s dense habitats. “Diving in kelp is one of the most amazing underwater experiences you can have,” the 65-year-old says, likening it to flying through the canopy of a terrestrial rain forest. “You won’t find a single empty patch in a kelp forest … From the sponge gardens on the seafloor all the way up to the leaves on the surface, it’s packed with life.”

Image: Despite the ocean floor’s proximity and essential role to human survival, we have mapped less of its topography than the surface of Mars. Courtesy of Chris Leidy—Assouline

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Here s why now is a better time than ever to explore entrepreneurship Financial Post

The world is slowly getting a taste of what it may look like after the coronavirus. Provinces are slowly opening their economies back up. However, the Canadian economy may take years to bounce back to what it once was, economists told the House of Commons finance committee back in June. Living in whatever comes after the pandemic may require learning new skills and developing them to find a new role in society.


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The existential philosopher Søren Kierkegaard said, “Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” This insight raises a profound paradox — and challenge — for those who lead. Focusing on the constant demands of the present moment and the future can keep you from fully learning from what you’ve done in the past. An inability to reflect wastes experience, leaving its value only partially harvested.


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Athens is the birthplace of Western culture, with the physical ruins of its classical age still visibly present as a perpetual reminder. Virgil composed his epic poem, The Aeneid, recounting the mythic flight of Aeneas from defeated Troy to Italy, becoming the forbear of Rome. New York sees itself as unique center of commerce, founded when the Dutch (not the English) bought Manhattan for beads in the city’s first hustle. Nashville needs no reminder that it’s the center of country music, nor Detroit that it is the Motor City. In Indianapolis and Louisville, the deep traditions and rituals associated with their marquee events, the Indianapolis 500 auto race and the Kentucky Derby horse race, embody and define local culture.


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When KPMG released its ranking of the top 20 Technology Innovation Hubs for 2020, the annual list read like a proverbial roundup of the usual suspects: After Silicon Valley, the report named Singapore, London, Tel Aviv, Tokyo and New York as the next top five.

The rest of the top 20 was not surprising. Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul, Bengaluru and Hong Kong formed the next five, while Austin, Boston, Chicago and Dallas were the other U.S. cities ranked among the top 20.

Image: Photo of downtown Phoenix courtesy of VisitPhoenix

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What You Should Do While You Wait for Covid 19 Test Results WSJ

Surging demand for Covid-19 testing in the U.S. and limited supplies have led to longer turnaround times for results, with some people waiting a week or more to learn whether they are infected.

What individuals do while they wait has serious implications for the continued spread of the virus, doctors and public-health officials said. Their message: Self-isolate as much as possible until you get your result, even if it is frustrating.


Image: Public health organizations track the spread of coronavirus and use graphs and charts to visualize the data. WSJ’s Brianna Abbott explains what to look for in the data to understand how the virus is impacting your community. Photo illustration: Laura Kammermann/WSJ

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Statue Of Liberty Free Stock Photo

For many international entrepreneurs planning to move their businesses to the U.S. or simply file for a visa extension, these are uncertain times. Consular posts are closed around the world and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) have temporarily suspended in-person green card and naturalization interviews. As some domestic offices begin to reopen, USCIS will reduce the number of appointments to ensure social distancing.


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Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and several senior House lawmakers recently announced a plan to impose price controls and seize patents on any COVID-19 vaccines and treatments in development. They vowed to strike down any emergency stimulus packages excluding such measures.

Those efforts aren’t just misguided — they pose a threat to the health of Americans. If lawmakers succeed, they would dismantle the innovation ecosystem that has enabled U.S. pharmaceutical firms to move with remarkable speed to develop COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.


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Exercise has been shown to slow cognitive decline in aging, but scientists haven’t known why. Now, by transfusing blood from exercising mice into sedentary ones, researchers have found a single protein, produced in the liver, that seems to underlie restorative effects in the brain.


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Jobs that don t require any prior experience Business Insider

You can't get a job without experience, but you can't get experience without a job. It's a Catch-22, and there are few things more frustrating than going to apply for an entry-level job, only to discover they're looking for candidates with at least two or three years experience. 

Image: A home care aid with a senior citizen. - Caring Across Generations

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We all have days when we go home exhausted, fall into bed, turn off the light, and drift into a fitful sleep. For some of us, that happens almost every day. You might chalk it up to a difficult project, client, or boss stressing you out. But what you might not realize is that there is much more contributing to that exhaustion. Stress comes to us all in tiny little assaults throughout our day — what we call “micro-stresses.” 


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Every leader knows that communication during a crisis is critical. When leaders communicate with urgency, transparency, and empathy, it helps people adjust to the constantly changing conditions crises bring. A tone of urgency encourages people to make quick decisions to mitigate harm. Transparency builds trust in leaders and conveys respect for employees by implicitly recognizing them as capable of coping with what is being shared. And showing empathy and conveying a compelling message of hope can foster resilience in facing the challenges that lie ahead.


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The coronavirus has changed the workplace in ways that will permanently transform the future of most organizations. Many leaders have been forced to craft new and improved strategies for successfully running an office remotely, building environments that help — not hurt – our immune systems, and developing guidelines to enforce safety measures like social distancing. Perhaps the most common change designed to address all of these areas is rethinking employee schedules, whether it is to support changes in work-life balance, to minimize social contact, or to meet wavering business demands. The traditional nine-to-five workday is no longer the gold standard.


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NEW YORK, July 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Deloitte has appointed Asif Dhar, M.D., to lead its life sciences and health care (LSHC) practice in the United States effective immediately. Dhar succeeds Doug Beaudoin, who was recently appointed Deloitte's U.S. chief information officer.

"This is a pivotal moment in history and I am humbled to lead our practice of dedicated professionals as we help our clients address multigenerational health and equity challenges while we respond to the crisis of coronavirus-19," said Dhar, vice chairman, LSHC, Deloitte LLP. "Deloitte's 'Future of Health' vision suggests a radical transformation of the industry — one that is more virtual, organized around the community, compassionate, equitable, predictive and preventative. Amid a pandemic and nationwide fight for racial justice, it is clear to me that we cannot wait for the future to arrive. We have the opportunity to come together to transform health, develop cures and create equity today."


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