Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Lockheed Martin Ventures -- the defense company’s technology startup investment arm -- has backed twocompanies through separate avenues announced this week.

In a release Tuesday, quantum computing company IonQ said it grew its total fundraising amount to $84 million through a new Series B round that represents its second significant round of investments since the 2015 founding with $2 million in seed money.


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Joe Curcillo

Every business sector has jargon. It’s largely known that you shouldn’t use those terms much outside of that field or people won’t know what you are talking about. Beyond jargon, there are other things that people should not say if they want to reach their potential. The things we say can have a profound impact not only on those we say them to but also to ourselves. 


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TMan Holding Black Mask Free Stock Photohe coronavirus pandemic has changed the way students live and learn. Colleges have closed their campuses and moved classes online; some have decided to no longer require standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT for admissions; and many have opted to use pass/fail grading. 

Some of these changes will be temporary, but others may be permanent.


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Question Mark Hand Drawn Solution Free photo on Pixabay

2020 has brought the American people painful realities, massive change, and hope. Millions worldwide are being forced to face difficult decisions about their future. The “new normal” permeates regular conversations, and reinvention has become synonymous with daily life. The spirit of the American dream has seemingly been crushed with historic unemployment rates and decimated industries. And yet, despite economic ruin, digital innovators have arisen, leveraging this chaotic time of reinvention in order to develop novel solutions and technologies to fight back, repair and uplift the American spirit –– to keep the dreams that built this nation alive.


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Startups frequently prepare a “pitch deck” to present their company to prospective angel or venture capital investors. The pitch deck typically consists of 15-20 slides in a PowerPoint presentation and is intended to showcase the company’s products, technology, and team to the investors.


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The U.S. remains at the forefront of technology innovation due to entrepreneurs that take risks.  When combined with access to capital, these risks enable an entrepreneurial ecosystem that gives the U.S. a competitive edge. But where does an entrepreneur turn for capital when either the endeavor is too early stage, involves too much technological risk, and/or targets a market of insufficient size to warrant private investment (i.e., without the potential to deliver on a >10x ROI within three years)?


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Here are the 10 most popular US states for living in a tiny home Business Insider

The tiny home movement has captured the hearts of Americans in recent years.

Tiny homes are defined as abodes that are under 400 square feet. The movement has picked up steam, with many opting for the tiny lifestyle to save money or to be able to travel freely. Sustainable energy use and waste systems are also key drivers, though the tiny home life isn't always as glamorous as it looks.


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Banners and Alerts and Woman Wearing Face Mask Free Stock Photo

Small and medium-size enterprises are the lifeblood of the UK economy. They are increasingly worried about the country’s weak economic outlook. DOWNLOADABLE RESOURCES Open interactive popup Article (PDF-981KB) Small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) account for 50 percent of the total revenue generated by UK businesses and 44 percent of the country’s labor force.1 With the COVID-19 pandemic causing a crisis that affects both lives and livelihoods, how are these vital parts of the economy feeling?


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Over the last 20 years, attempting to predict the future of retail and consumer products has become a rite of passage for many industry analysts, experts and pundits. Unfortunately, COVID-19, and its far-reaching impact on the industry, has created an unprecedented disruption that hinders the ability to accurately predict what may come next. Deloitte's report, "The future is coming ... but still one day at a time," examines a different way to think about the future path of these industries. Through analyzing years' worth of data, the report identifies a framework of four disruptive forces — consumer preferences, technology advancement, economic pressures and market forces — that have given rise to seven trends likely to shape the future of the retail and consumer products industries.

Image: PRNewsfoto/Deloitte

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Money Rain Euro Bank Free image on Pixabay

The venture capital industry is less transparent today than at any time in recent memory.

For all the talk about expanding access and improving its sordid record on diversity, in reality, it has never been harder for founders to figure out who can even write a check to their startups in the first place.


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The United States and China are in a growing competition for technological leadership. China is seeking to match or surpass its main rival in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, quantum computing, and other sectors vital to future economic and military prowess. But if U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has its way, it could dismantle the United States’ most potent weapon—its ability to attract and retain the best science and engineering talent from across the planet.


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With 21 U.S. states experiencing a rise in Covid-19 cases just weeks after reopening, it’s clear that maintaining control of the pandemic without lockdowns is proving to be a challenge. To not only stay open but also really revive the economy — to get people back to work, traveling, attending sporting events, eating at restaurants, and so on — they will need to feel confident that they and their loved ones are at low risk of getting infected.


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Why tech didn t save us from covid 19 MIT Technology Review

Technology has failed the US and much of the rest of the world in its most important role: keeping us alive and healthy. As I write this, more than 380,000 are dead, the global economy is in ruins, and the covid-19 pandemic is still raging. In an age of artificial intelligence, genomic medicine, and self-driving cars, our most effective response to the outbreak has been mass quarantines, a public health technique borrowed from the Middle Ages. 


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Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten

Boris is the wise ol’ CEO of TNW who writes a weekly column on everything about being an entrepreneur in tech — from managing stress to embracing awkwardness. You can get his musings straight to your inbox by signing up for his newsletter!

There’s a book titled Getting to Yes, written for salespeople trying to learn how to close a deal. Sounds useful, but I truly wish there was a book titled “getting to no.” It would explain how to know when to quit, how to know you’re wrong, and how to act when you come to the crippling realization that, yes, in fact, you were wrong. 


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