Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Zipcar counts as a disruptive innovation. Uber doesn’t. The latter is according to Clayton Christensen, Michael Raynor, and Rory McDonald in their recent HBR article “What is Disruptive Innovation?” The authors explain that disruption “describes a process whereby a smaller company with fewer resources is able to successfully challenge established incumbent businesses.” They also write that “disruptive innovations originate in low-end or new-market footholds.”


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Here s What 10 Experts Think of the Government s New Diet Advice TIME

The highly anticipated 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans were released on Thursday—and they’re proving controversial, with disagreement among industry and the nutrition community over whether red and processed meat should have been called out, and whether issues like sustainability should have been included. Months before the Guidelines came out, an independent group of experts—called the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, or DGAC—proposed non-binding recommendations for the Dietary Guidelines. Some experts took issue with how the final product differs. Here, top experts in the field of nutrition provide their thoughts on the new Guidelines:


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Becoming a successful entrepreneur is no easy feat. Sacrifice, hard work and an unwavering determination for achieving greatness are required. So is surviving your mistakes -- because they will happen.

At CreativeLive, I've always strived to learn from my own mistakes and to gain powerful insights from those who have successfully gone down the path before me. That's why I reached out to six top entrepreneurs, writers and CEOs I've admired for years.


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Jessica Plautz

The biggest innovations in suitcases in the past year or two have been focused primarily on two things: Giving travelers the ability to track the location of their suitcase, and providing a backup battery for the many modern devices travelers carry.

But one company is taking it a step further: This suitcase follows where you lead.


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The startup world is one that is constantly in flux, which keeps the accelerator industry and the world on their toes! Below are the top ten news the accelerator industry saw in 2015.

Research coming out of the University of Emory found that startups who are in an accelerator program raise almost double the investment than startups who did not go through an accelerator, thus validating the accelerator model as a way to get investment. See and hear the research findings for yourself here.


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A cause. A profile. A social media following.

Companies that have those things going for them may be in the best position to take advantage of new equity crowdfunding rules in Nova Scotia, says a Halifax entrepreneur.

But Andy Osburn, founder and CEO of Equals6, also said it will take time for startups and smaller firms in Atlantic Canada to figure out whether they want to get financing by selling shares or debt to Internet-based investor pools.

Image: Andy Osburn, founder and CEO of Equals6, is the regional representative for the National Crowdfunding Association of Canada. (TIM KROCHAK / Staff)

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Changing jobs every couple of years used to look bad on a resume. It told recruiters you can’t hold down a job, can’t get along with colleagues, or that you’re simply disloyal and can't commit.

That stigma is fast becoming antiquated—especially as millennials rise in the workplace with expectations to continuously learn, develop, and advance in their careers. This sentiment is different than the belief of past generations that you cling to an employer over a lifetime in the hopes that your long-term employer will treat you fairly in the end with a matching 401(k) plan, among other benefits.


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CES 2016 is in full swing and this year’s show features the best of the best in consumer technology. With innovative solutions from global enterprises and startups for everything from wearables to connected homes, virtual reality to drones and so much more, there’s plenty to see in Las Vegas. If you’re at this year’s show, make sure you stop by Eureka Park, the destination for amazing startups, and check out these 10 incredible gadgets you definitely want to see in person.


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Bret Taylor is no stranger to being the underdog. From a scan of his resume, this may not seem to be true: MS in CS at Stanford; joined Google in 2003 and helped lead the team that co-created Google Maps; co-founded and was CEO of FriendFeed, which was successfully sold to Facebook in 2009; became CTO of Facebook until 2012; and finally co-founded and is currently CEO of startup Quip, which recently raised $30 million from Greylock and Benchmark. In fact, to most people, it would seem like Taylor has had a career of working for some of the largest, most powerful tech companies in the world — a career of being a “Goliath,” you might say.


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The European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO) has strongly supported the proposal to establish a new European Innovation Council (EIC), saying that currently EU innovation activities remain scattered and without focus.

“The EIC should be the tool to support consolidation of innovation investments at EU level,” EARTO says in a paper published in December.   

EARTO is one of the first off the blocks with a published response to the proposal for the new council, which was made last June by EU Research Commissioner Carlos Moedas. His vision is to create a body to promote and support innovation in the same way as the European Research Council supports the best science.


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10 Under 10 Years Old TechCrunch

Watch a sad old man (age 25) interview the top pre-tween entrepreneurs in this hilarious video. Even though it’s a parody of the Forbes 30 Under 30, this is too real. “Even an 8-year-old could have regrets because there’s always going to be that 6-year-old inventor who speaks 7 languages” filmmaker Ankush Jindal from MasterClass tells me.

Thanks for capturing everyone in Silicon Valley’s deepest fears about becoming irrelevant. Guess I’ll go try to disrupt the retirement home.


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Hot on the heels of my 2015 “Grade B” Prediction Scorecard, I’m now looking ahead to 2016; offering a sneak peek into some of the trends and events that may occur for tech and financing in the new year, and what opportunities and investment activities Omers Ventures will be focusing on.

1. Deal Volume.

In 2014 the Canadian startup landscape saw a large number of deals of all sizes, followed by a similar amount of financing in 2015. This trend should continue in 2016, with an increase in deal volume, but with a similar amount of total dollars invested.


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Nat Turner and Zach Weinberg are young, successful and ambitious. The pair formerly started an ad tech company that Google acquired for $81 million, Invite Media, and for the past two years they've been tackling a much bigger problem: cancer.

Turner and Weinberg launched Flatiron Health after seeing family and friends battle the brutal disease. Flatiron Health is taking a data-driven approach to cancer. It analyzes the results of cancer treatments and turns the information and findings it gathers into software solutions the medical community can subscribe to. Now they've raised $175 million from pharmaceutical giant Roche, which will also be purchasing some of Flatiron Health's software, The New York Times' Katie Benner reports.


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Businesses are dying faster than ever: As we report in our HBR article “The Biology of Corporate Survival,” a recent BCG study shows that one in three firms will be delisted in the next five years for reasons such as bankruptcy, liquidation, and M&A. That mortality rate is six times as high as the rate 40 years ago. Why? Because companies are struggling to adapt to increasingly complex business environments.


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The new year has come. Consultants and executives are huddling together working on strategies to drive business forward and achieve the lofty goals they’ve proclaimed to everyone who will listen. And yet, as General Norman Schwarzkopf said, “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without strategy.”

All too often strategy gets all the attention while leaders ignore the more important force for building a great organization and achieving their goals, leadership.


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The EHang 184 is certainly a sight to behold. At first glance it looks like someone simply made an enormous drone — and that's essentially what it is — and then slapped a cockpit large enough for someone to ride in on top of the chassis. And to top it all off, there's some stylish gull-wing doors that give it an undeniably cool-yet-crazy look.


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Lindsey Robertson

One of the most noteworthy scenes from Inception is when Ellen Page bends an entire dream city using her mind. Now, Cypriot designer Stelios Mousarris has brought that very same scene to life — except his version can actually fit comfortably within the confines of a living room.

The "wave city" coffee table was fashioned out of wood, steel and a 3D printer, and features a cityscape that bends over itself to provide a flat table surface.


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The idea of making your business more “green” may seem rather intimidating and to some unnecessary. However, making the move toward a more sustainable business culture does more than merely reduce your company’s carbon footprint – it can actually help your business grow. That being said, making any sort of move towards sustainability is better than not making any, after all, what do you have to lose?


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