Ideas move the world and they certainly move markets! Whether it’s the tablet computers that are such a rage, smart phones and/or their “apps”, social networking, compression software (such as the mp3) replacing CD players, e-books nudging paper books aside, extreme skiing, rap music, boutique hotels, reality television, our interest in nutrition (organic/bio becoming increasingly preferred in food selection) – you name it, they’re all about ideas. And these new ideas are displacing old ideas. Someone gets a new idea, it catches on and the world is changed. Not as easy, of course, as it sounds; but, in truth, that’s the way it works.
The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas. For many societies, the search for good ideas has taken on a sense of urgency as their standards of living have become so grand that they can no longer compete in making things because the cost of their labor is too high. As result, once making things is out, “knowing things” becomes the next possible advantage to pursue, and that means finding and harvesting new ideas! In these places, money is spent on R&D; new universities are established; celebrated thinkers get appointed to government panels; but, in truth, it’s all very improvised; and if ideas result, so much the better, but often the results are meager, and maybe never actually measured or appraised. In the end, resources are committed but our understanding of how to best generate new ideas is not improved.