Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

UVXDiUJFQyBDSVRZIENPTk5FQ1RFRC5wbmc=Quebec International (QI) is proud to present its activity report, which reflects the outstanding results of the initiatives and accomplishments achieved for the fiscal year 2021. The Report shows that QI's increased efforts have resulted in an economic impact of $973.9M, an increase of more than 32% over 2020.

QUÉBEC INTERNATIONAL IN NUMBERS This considerable increase makes even more sense in terms of the services offered. Thus, each public dollar invested will have generated $83 in economic spin-offs in the Quebec City region.


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Question mark 2021 08 26 22 30 01 utcAs a founder, it’s never been more important to know the nuances of the angel versus VC debate. 

Everyone is an investor these days. During our current Cambrian explosion of rolling funds, syndicates, roll-up vehicles, and emerging funds, angels and VCs are often confused as the same. When founders come to me about fundraising, I like to distinguish angels from VCs so they have the mental clarity to pull each of these investing levers.


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They are the winning team 2021 08 27 17 05 35 utcMarjorie, an HR professional, receives a seemingly impossible mandate. She is asked to recruit six Spanish-speaking, front-end programmers with at least 10 years of experience, able to relocate to Miami, in southeastern United States, all within a month. Not so many years ago, this would have been impossible. Today, she feeds the requirements into her AI-enabled recruiting system, which immediately prospects for candidates across the key job aggregators, like Indeed, and all major social and professional media sites, including Facebook and LinkedIn. It also combs through the firm’s database of past job applicants.


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94b09818 6b47 46f6 81ab cb234781f322One of the first harsh realities that every entrepreneur has to learn is that most of the things that are critical to startup success are outside of their direct control. Just because you dream it and build it, doesn’t mean they will come – that encompasses not only customers, but also investors, partners, team members, and even your own family. They won’t come if they don’t trust you.


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Vision problems 2021 09 02 02 47 00 utcNew small business owners face a myriad of challenges getting their business ideas up and running. Marketing, securing products, staffing, and establishing processes are just few challenges new owners might have to navigate. However, there is a whole other set of challenges that are often unexpected, the unwelcomed “partnership” with government, federal, state, and local. Likely aware of the tax law, what probably surprised them was the plethora of regulations, compliance costs, licensing, etc. associated with their new firm and location. Just cutting a curb to provide customer access to your parking lot can be a huge headache. Unfamiliar names like OSHA, EPA, FDA and others suddenly demand your attention and compliance with their rules.


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Pretty afro woman in coworking with colleagues le 2022 03 30 01 35 58 utcIf you have ambitions to be an entrepreneur, but don’t have an idea for a startup or lack the risk-taking mindset that might be necessary, where do you go? You go to large corporations who actual need people like you to be creative and innovative, perhaps even disruptive but not to the point of leaving the company. It’s a very fine line for management to recruit people who have the core tenants of being an entrepreneur and to effectively manage them working inside a large company. Let’s look at how these companies might define and support corporate entrepreneurship.


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The medical science publication Stat just published an article about Congressional interest in the location of ARPA-H headquarters, the new $6 billion effort to fund high, risk-high reward health research and cures. We are about to witness a biotech version of the Amazon HQ2 competition, with states and jurisdictions across the country angling to land this headquarters facility.

It is great to see the national interest in housing ARPA-Headquarters, but this project should not distract jurisdictions from planning for the far more important and
numerous other opportunities emerging as Congress and the White House put the finishing touches on current and new programs and projects to fund applied science and health research programs. Both the science community and commercial real estate (CRE) industry should take notice.

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Entrepreneurs in meeting 2021 12 09 15 19 05 utcWhen it comes to being a successful entrepreneur, founder or business owner, emotional intelligence isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. However, if you want to thrive in these roles, emotional intelligence could be one of the most important factors to focus on.

What is emotional intelligence?

Okay, I know what you’re thinking – "what is emotional intelligence, anyway?" To put it simply, psychologists describe it as the ability to recognize, control and evaluate different emotions in yourself and others. Some say it’s an innate characteristic that you’re born with, while others believe it’s something you can learn and hone over time.


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D442d6ce e608 4cdb a89c 340e924f8e8cThe good news is that a recent Kauffman Early-Stage Entrepreneurship (KESE) Index shows the highest level of new business activity recorded in the last two decades, and the cost of entry at an all-time low. The bad news is that it’s still a jungle fight for survival for entrepreneurs of all ages and demographics, with over 80 percent not having access to bank loans or venture capital.


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Traveler in city street in hanoi 2021 08 27 19 13 23 utcAs a stroll down Tel Aviv’s Ben-Yehuda Street at the height of summer quite clearly demonstrates, our cities are stiflingly hot: lack of shade, ACs spewing hot air on the sidewalks and no breeze make walking outside come August somewhat of a nightmare.

And with urbanization processes, heat islands and global warming, things are likely to get worse.

This is where technology comes in. From buildings that generate their own energy and green walls to smart shade solutions and solar energy storage, there’s plenty to be done to make our cities more bearable in hot weather.


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P 1 90744429 7 factors that stop your best ideas and how to overcome themWhat image comes to your mind when you think of the word “entrepreneur”? Many of us will visualize youthful, creative fanatics on a solo mission to change the world. It took me by surprise when, in one of my strategy workshops, I met a woman named Jean Feiwel. Jean was certainly an entrepreneur—she was responsible for launching a platform for aspiring self-published authors to refine and promote their manuscripts. She had many of the traits we associate with entrepreneurs—intrinsic motivation, innovative aspirations, and the ability to generate support for her ideas. The only difference: Jean works for a company.

Image: lilartsy/Pexels

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3bfb0ff7 c202 45a1 9e47 8c810ed02e4dEvery startup lucky enough to get some traction gets to the point where they decide to hire some “regular employees” for sales, marketing, and administrative tasks. Then they are surprised to see productivity and creativity take a big dip. What they should be doing is hiring only “entrepreneurs,” meaning people who think and act as if this is their own business.


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Covid vaccine india today 2 1200x768 sixteen nineVaccine inequity remains an issue both within India, where less than 2 per cent of the population has received a Covid booster, and the globe with 56 countries unable to inoculate even 10 percent of their people, says Johns Hopkins scientist Amita Gupta.

Tracking hospitalisation rates which provide an indicator of severity of illness is key, the chief of the Division of Infectious Disease, and Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine said while stressing that no one is safe from Covid until everyone in the world gets vaccinated.


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1440 960 3b857b84 f378 4abf 81b4 b99c2878c495 jpeg galleryThe world’s most powerful particle accelerator – the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) – has sprung back to life after a three-year shutdown.

After planned maintenance and upgrades, it has been turned back on and will shortly start another run of cutting-edge physics experiments.

The LHC, at Cern, on the French/Swiss border near Geneva, was switched off in 2018 to let scientists and engineers from around the world make it even more powerful.

On Friday, particles were pushed through the collider’s almost 17-mile ring for the first time since December 2018.


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0ddd48a1452ccfb139b909bb559ec5b3New York, April 20 – Wearable sensors, such as smartwatches and fitness bands, can reveal a person’s physiological response to the Covid-19 vaccination, according to a study.

The study, published in npj Digital Medicine, analysed sensor data on sleep, activity and heart rate from over 5,600 individuals.

The findings showed that the average resting heart rate of participants significantly increased the day following vaccination, peaking two days post-vaccination, and returning to normal four days after the first dose and six days after the second.

The effect appeared to be stronger after the second dose of the Moderna vaccine, compared to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and more pronounced in younger individuals.


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E3abe2b0 c613 4657 a403 43ef440b4cf9Even entrepreneurs who have built many startups, or sold their last one for millions of dollars, know they make occasional people leadership mistakes. They know leadership is all about managing their own complicated, illogical, and fallible human foibles, as well as the people they depend on. These can trip up even the best, often at the cost of more than a good night’s sleep.


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Money money money 2022 03 05 01 19 40 utcAgility Robotics, a creator and manufacturer of robots designed to work alongside people in logistics and warehouse environments, today announced that it has raised $150 million led by DCVC and Playground Global. The Amazon Industrial Innovation Fund also joined as an investor to help spur innovation in the logistics industry. Agility's robots provide unique value to businesses by augmenting the human workforce's productivity, efficiency, and wellness. This capital raise will accelerate Agility's R&D and scale its robot production.


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The office employee at wall with stickers 2021 08 26 17 26 44 utcWe’ve been listening carefully to our employees over the last two years during this challenging pandemic, and they have not been shy to say they have had to endure a lot of pain. I can see it myself. I can see their fatigue. How could there not be fatigue? It’s extremely hard to manage the kids, including helping them with school, while also taking care of elderly parents, coping with a global pandemic and still trying to work productively.


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Pilot's Founder-in-Residence Gillian O'Brien. GILLIAN O'BRIENThere has always been a coveted, special role within startups and enterprises throughout Silicon Valley. Primarily driven by the status or caliber of the applicant (think ex-consultant from McKinsey, Bain or BCG, and MBA graduate of HBS, Stanford GSB or Wharton), these roles became highly respected in a short period of time. First come associate product manager/product managers roles, then jobs in business operations, and recently followed by the Chief of Staff position. But a new opportunity emerges in the wake of the rest: the founder-in-residence (FiR). A cousin of the canonically-known entrepreneur-in-residence (EiR) job, the major difference between the two is that FiR roles more frequently appear within early-stage startups, as opposed to EiRs in venture capital firms, universities, and startup accelerators.

Image: Pilot's Founder-in-Residence Gillian O'Brien. GILLIAN O'BRIEN

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As The Venture Capital Market Cools A Different Kind Of Startup Investor Prepares To PounceKrista Morgan knows how difficult it is to build a startup. She also knows just how quickly it can all fall apart.

In 2012, Morgan founded P2Binvestor, a lending marketplace for small businesses. By 2019, the company had issued more than $1 billion in loans, and annual revenue topped $10 million. Then, disaster struck: One of P2B’s clients was a subsidiary of another business owned by Michael Mann, then the CEO of MyPayrollHR. Mann, it turned out, had been perpetrating a $100 million bank fraud. When the scheme crumbled, P2Binvestor was out nearly $10 million it couldn’t afford to lose. Mann pleaded guilty and was sentenced to as many as 24 years in prison, and P2Binvestor found itself on the brink of collapse.

Image: Krista Morgan COURTESY OF STAGE 

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