Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Sure, everyone wants to be happy. But what kind of happiness do people want? Is it happiness experienced moment-to-moment? Or is it being able to look back and remember a time as happy? Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman described this distinction as “being happy in your life” versus “being happy about your life.”  Take a moment to ask yourself, which happiness are you seeking?


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bio startup

PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 19, 2018 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Venture Café Philadelphia will kick off its first Thursday night gathering on November 29 with prominent urban studies theorist, Richard Florida. The inaugural Venture Café Philadelphia Thursday gathering will take place from 3 – 8 p.m. at the newly opened 3675 Market Street where the University City Science Center is headquartered.

Richard Florida is one of the world's leading urbanists. He is a researcher and professor, serving as University Professor and Director of Cities at the Martin Prosperity Institute at the University of Toronto, a Distinguished Fellow at New York University's Schack Institute of Real Estate, and a Visiting Fellow at Florida International University.


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Crafting a good email — setting the tone, making your point and coming across professional but not out of touch — is no easy feat. Fortunately, there are ways to simplify the process, amp up your skills and improve your overall work experience by making good impressions on all.

Here, experts in corporate communications explain how to send the ideal business email in just about any scenario.


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Brian P. Darmody is associate vice president for corporate engagement at the University of Maryland.

Amazon announced its HQ2 decision last Tuesday, splitting the decision between Crystal City and New York. But an earlier competition to site the nation’s capital makes the HQ2 contest seem like a cakewalk.

As outlined by Kenneth R. Bowling in “The Creation of Washington D.C.,” the political and economic competition among states spanning many years on where to put the capital threatened the viability of a young United States and the workings of a new form of government.


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Deep Patel

As the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. It’s easy to know the right thing to do once we can look back. Sometimes we wish we could go back and handle issues differently, or we think we could avoid certain problems altogether if only we had known what to do.

Of course, none of us can go back in time, and all those setbacks and mistakes give us valuable lessons that make us who we are. Without having lived through something, mistakes and all, you wouldn’t have the experiences and perspective necessary to become who you’re meant to be. Nevertheless, who hasn’t wished they could go back and tell their younger selves something?


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ZUG, SWITZERLAND / ACCESSWIRE / November 17, 2018 / Even with recent reports suggesting that about 75% of all venture-backed businesses fail in making profits, venture capitalists are still quite picky while choosing a business to invest in. 

This mainly has to do with the goals that venture capital investors have when picking a business for investment. VC firms usually invest millions of dollars in businesses with very-low to no liquidity in a hope that the long-term profit will at least be 5x or 10x the investment.


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SAN FRANCISCO -- For years now, Silicon Valley has been searching in frustration for the next big breakthrough.

Innovative businesses that launched a decade ago, such as Uber and Airbnb, are finally making money or heading toward public offerings - but only after years of bruising fights with regulators and costly operational challenges.

At the same time, the dominance of Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon, has made it harder for new startups to burst on the scene. And the impact of powerful and much touted emerging tech, such as artificial intelligence and crypto-currencies, has been more incremental than explosive.


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Believe it or not, there are angels out there. For real. Not just the cosmic beings we often read in books and holy manuscripts, but real people who are ready to lend a hand, or a few thousand dollars, if you’re talking about business.

The angels who are willing to fund a startup or small enterprise, are known as angel investors, and unlike venture capitalists who are often all about the money, ‘angels’ function on a more personal level. An angel could be a rich friend, or even an affluent family member willing to invest not solely to earn a profit but to support someone they know and believe in.


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Cities that didn t win HQ2 shouldn t be counted out TechCrunch

The more than year-long dance between cities and Amazon for its second headquarters is finally over, with New York City and Washington, DC, capturing the big prize. With one of the largest economic development windfalls in a generation on the line, 238 cities used every tactic in the book to court the company – including offering to rename a city “Amazon” and appointing Jeff Bezos “mayor for life.”


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college students

Whether a student is more inclined to learn about artificial intelligence or take up photography, several factors play a role in choosing the right college.

Business Insider has complied a ranking of the top 50 underrated colleges nationwide by considering two factors: reputation and future earnings. We figured that schools with mediocre or obscure reputations but whose students made high salaries would be underrated.


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Arch Grants has awarded $1,000,000 in grant funds to 20 new startups and early-stage businesses from across the country and around the globe. The winners were announced at the 6th annual Arch Grants Gala last Friday, on November 16th.

“Arch Grants is building a movement focused not just on economic growth, but on creating a pipeline for future leaders in our region,” said Emily Lohse-Busch, Executive Director at Arch Grants, “the 20 companies that we’ve funded this year are led by an incredibly talented, diverse, impressive group of founders who will only add to the robust St. Louis ecosystem.

Image: Winning startups take the stage at the Arch Grants Gala 2018

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While on an investor tour in Europe, I ended a busy day by joining my boss at a nice restaurant. After he said something funny, I responded in my typical style — throwing back my head and letting out hearty, unabashed laughter. People were taken aback. They turned to stare at me.


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The kilogram is being redefined as a fundamental constant not just a chunk of metal MIT Technology Review

Scientists from more than 60 countries agreed to change the definition of the kilogram during a conference on Friday in Versailles, France.

The history: The kilogram was originally defined as being equivalent to the mass of a liter of water. Since 1889 scientists have based its definition on a physical object: a platinum alloy cylinder known informally as “Le Grand K” which was kept in a safe in Paris. An obvious drawback was that if the cylinder changed, so did the entire global system of measurement. When it was measured in 1980s, it weighed several micrograms less than it was supposed to, forcing manufacturers who made products based on the standards to reissue their weights.


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digital technology

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Gov. Matt Bevin today announced the formation of the Commonwealth Commercialization Center (C3), a national-model partnership between Kentucky’s universities and colleges to translate intellectual property and innovations into market-ready products and startups while providing businesses access to collective public resources.

Led by the Cabinet for Economic Development’s KY Innovation office, the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville, C3 will provide resources to all the state’s public universities and colleges. Faculty and students at Kentucky institutions will have access to shared services including identification, development, marketing and protection of intellectual property, increased industry engagement and student experiential learning and workforce development.


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office worker

Though the holidays are a popular time for workers to cash in on their vacation days, there are plenty of good reasons not to take time off toward the end of the year. For one thing, holiday travel can be prohibitively expensive, so if you’re looking to visit friends and family, the latter part of the year is perhaps the worst time to do so. Additionally, putting in more face time toward the end of the year can work to your advantage when your manager is focused on things like promotions and raises. And, you’ll probably find that you’re more productive when the ever-present distractions known as your coworkers disappear.


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Many years ago (and in a previous venture) my co-founder, Vu Tran, and I decided that we could turn our hobby of building websites into a business. We were in our teens and still in high school, and didn’t really have a network to draw on to find customers so we resorted to going door to door. 

After visiting many retailers and offices we were down to the last business—a hair salon. With no interest to speak of it would have been easy enough to call it a day and give up.


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“What kind of life do I want?” Increasingly, this is the question on people’s minds, replacing “What kind of job do I want?” I often hear this from new entrepreneurs building e-commerce businesses, leveraging technology to shed traditional barriers to entry. The term “lifestyle entrepreneurship” was pioneered by a high-flying, highly visible group of savvy digital natives. They recognize the power of the web and have devised ways to create efficient, streamlined businesses that outsource everything beyond their core skill sets. Dubbed MMO (make money online), this innovative group’s lifestyle is on display all over social media.


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“Young people are just smarter,” Mark Zuckerberg infamously said to 650 aspiring entrepreneurs at a Y Combinator Startup School event in 2007. His logic was straightforward–young people lead simpler lives, so they’re able to focus on big-picture problems. Now that Zuckerberg is in his thirties, I’m not sure he’d still agree–in fact, I’m confident he wouldn’t.


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college student

There are two tracks to entrepreneurship: You can dive in and figure it out (hopefully) as you go, or attend a college or a university dedicated to teaching the tools needed by -- and harnessing the passion of -- entrepreneurs. These classrooms are where tomorrow’s CEOs and startup founders focus their drive and, more important, meet the people who can help turn their ideas into reality.


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