Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

The coodo yanko design 01Prefabricated architecture has been gaining a lot of popularity and momentum recently! It basically involves making buildings or building various components at a particular location, one that is better suited for construction, and then once completed, transporting it to the final site or location. Prefab architectural designs have a multitude of benefits – they keep costs down, ensure projects are more sustainable and efficient, and they also prioritize and pay attention to simplicity and modularity. And we have curated a collection of our favorite prefabricated designs for you – from a prefab tiny home that is a smart mobile unit to the Tesla of prefab homes– these prefabricated designs are a part of an integral growing trend in modern architecture, and could be the future of it as well!


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Etsd014 robert sansone usa 0026 ca 1Robert Sansone is a natural born engineer. From animatronic hands to high-speed running boots and a go-kart that can reach speeds of more than 70 miles per hour, the Fort Pierce, Florida-based inventor estimates he’s completed at least 60 engineering projects in his spare time. And he’s only 17 years old.

A couple years ago, Sansone came across a video about the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars. The video explained that most electric car motors require magnets made from rare-earth elements, which can be costly, both financially and environmentally, to extract. The rare-earth materials needed can cost hundreds of dollars per kilogram. In comparison, copper is worth $7.83 per kilogram.

Image: Robert Sansone with his novel synchronous reluctance motor. Society for Science

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autm logoThe arc of the technology transfer profession can be tied to the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 in the United States and similar enabling legislation from across the globe. This week  a new transformational law was passed – the CHIPS and Science Act – supporting U.S. semiconductor production and catalyzing research and development in many key technology areas and in new innovation regions of the country. Most importantly, this new law has a key provision titled “Planning and Capacity Building Awards” (Sec. 10391), which authorizes an unprecedented $3.1 billion to support technology transfer capacity building for research institutions.


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St Louis Innovation Ecosystem Talent Capital Facilities and NetworksNewswise — The St. Louis innovation ecosystem is a unique mix of talent, capital, facilities, and networks that create opportunities for startups to thrive and for individuals to find meaningful careers.

Benson Hill is an incredible example of the St. Louis innovation ecosystem at work. Co-founded by Danforth Center Principal Investigator Dr. Todd Mockler, Benson Hill chose to locate their headquarters in St. Louis because they knew they would have access to talent, investors, and facilities that were unparalleled. Today, Benson Hill is only the second “unicorn” in St. Louis, valued at over $1 billion.

Image: Credit: Benson Hill

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Satellite Imagery Reveals Antarctic Ice Loss is Double Previous EstimatesNew research on Antarctica found in two separate studies that reference multiple optical and radar satellite sensors has revealed that the ice loss in Antarctica is much worse than previous estimates.

Two studies that investigated calving — the term that describes the breaking off of chunks of ice from the edge of a glacier — found that the crumbling ice in Antarctica is actually double that of previous estimates and details how the continent is changing. The two studies were led by researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Southern California and reveal what NASA says is “unexpected” new data about how the Antarctic Ice Sheet has been losing mass in recent decades.

Image: The 200-foot-tall (60-meter-tall) front of the Getz Ice Shelf in Antarctica is scored with cracks where icebergs are likely to break off, or calve, in this 2016 photo. The first estimate of Antarctic calving has found that since 1997 ice shelves have lost as much ice from calving as from melting. | Credits: NASA/GSFC/OIB

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1659946864 Untitleddesign 2022 08 08T134759779Ankur Capital, a tech-focused VC, has announced the launch of a pre-Seed funding platform called Day Zero for early-stage startups. The Day Zero platform will be sector-agnostics and will primarily focus on sectors like agriculture, health, SMB SaaS, fintech, logistics, mobility, construction, livelihood and everything in between. Day Zero is built in such a way that it will help startups cover everything, that is from initiation to scale for the entrepreneurs. All aspects from funding to ecosystem support to mentoring would be taken care of under one roof.

Image: Pexels

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Office worker taking a folder in the archive 2022 02 01 23 43 00 utcFile sharing is common practice in teamwork. But it's counterproductive when the files you share are disorganized and litter your system. There's only so much work you can do amid the clutter.

Organizing your shared files is key to streamlining your workflow. If you fail to do this, you could lose important files or mix them up in the course of work. Check out effective ways to organize your shared files for increased productivity.


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Laura Behrens Wu, CEO ShippoSHIPPOIn a world where women make up roughly half of the global population yet historically are less present in top industries, the women of the Cloud 100 are dominating in a heavily male-dominated space: enterprise technology.

Image: Laura Behrens Wu, CEO ShippoSHIPPO

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Sundar pichaiParents, picture this: Your child has just taken a test they've been studying for. Do you usually wait for good test results before you take them out for ice cream?

Leaders, picture this: An employee has been working long hours on a report. Do you usually wait to see its final quality before you recognize their effort?

If you answered yes to either of these, you may need to rethink your strategy.


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Elon Musk Royal Society crop2 jpgLast week, Elon Musk shared a post on Twitter from author William MacAskill, who announced the release of his new book, What We Owe the Future. Along
with the retweet was Musk's comment, "Worth reading. This is a close match for my philosophy." The philosophy he's referring to is what drives him, motivates his pursuits, and is at the core of his decisions.


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Iris scanner man using biometrics to unlock a door 2022 02 01 22 38 20 utcWithin the last decade, the terms artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have become buzzwords that are often used interchangeably. While AI and ML are inextricably linked and share similar characteristics, they are not the same thing. Rather, ML is a major subset of AI.

AI and ML technologies are all around us, from the digital voice assistants in our living rooms to the recommendations you see on Netflix.


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A view of the Rhone Glacier covered in blankets above Gletsch near the Furkapass in Switzerland, 13 July 2022. The Alps oldest glacier is protected by special white blankets to prevent it from melting. (EPA-EFE/URS FLUEELER)The Alps’ glaciers are on track for their highest mass losses in at least 60 years of record keeping, as temperatures in the Alps are warming at around 0.3C per decade — around twice as fast as the global average.

From the way 45-year-old Swiss glaciologist Andreas Linsbauer bounds over icy crevasses, you would never guess he was carrying 10 kg of steel equipment needed to chart the decline of Switzerland’s glaciers.

Image: A view of the Rhone Glacier covered in blankets above Gletsch near the Furkapass in Switzerland, 13 July 2022. The Alps oldest glacier is protected by special white blankets to prevent it from melting. (EPA-EFE/URS FLUEELER)

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It keeps me as organized as an entrepreneur should 2022 02 02 03 56 38 utcJust like aspiring artists, musicians and actors, there’s no shortage of hopefuls who imagine themselves as born entrepreneurs. The problem is that both tend to imagine the throngs of adoring fans (or customers) throwing money at their feet before considering the work, grit and determination that are required for success.


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Time is money 2021 08 26 22 59 00 utcSpur Capital Partners, an investor in venture capital funds, is out to raise $200 million for its seventh core fund. So far, it has secured nearly $74 million to bet on early-stage VCs, per a securities filing.

Who or what is Spur betting on, exactly? Over the years, the investor claims it has indirectly backed dozens of high-flying tech and life science firms at the early stage, including hostelier Airbnb and weapons maker Anduril. But Spur did not respond when asked for the names of the VC firms in its portfolio.


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1659941006 Myproject 121NOTE: This link is for a Jasper Free Trial - One of the best.

The idea of Pepper Content germinated in a dormitory of BITS, Pilani. The story of the founders was similar to that of average Indian teenagers who wanted to pursue engineering.

The founders realized a shared passion for content. It was clear that for brands, smartphones and the Internet had changed the principles of customer engagement and experience principles. More than 700 million Internet users, businesses included, were accessing and consuming different forms of content daily. However, access to quality content was not as easy.

Image: Pexels

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All good work requires self revelation shot of a 2022 01 11 14 56 21 utcMore CEOs and heads of HR are coming to the full realization that a thriving work culture drives engagement, innovation, and high performance.

Yet culture doesn't just happen. It takes strong, visionary leaders to create an environment to empower tribes to reach their potential.

Here's what they frequently give to their employees, which most managers often don't:


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09 90776356 this ingenious kit brings solar power to individual apartmentsIf you live in an apartment, you probably don’t have solar power. You obviously don’t own your building’s roof, and since tenants typically pay their own electric bills, property owners wouldn’t get the cost-saving incentive that comes with installing solar panels.

While it’s possible for renters to subscribe to community solar projects to offset their energy use, a startup in Berlin has a different approach. The company, We Do Solar, has a small kit of eight photovoltaic panels that tenants can attach to a balcony to begin powering their devices directly. The founders wanted to “make solar power into something accessible, a product that anyone can use, no matter whether they rent or own their place of residence,” says cofounder and CEO Karolina Attspodina.

Image: Karolina Attspodina (Photo: We Do Solar)

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A cluster of galaxies including Earendel, the most distant star known in the universe, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope NASA/ESA/CSA/STScIIN A RECENT STUDY submitted to MNRAS, a collaborative research team utilized the first set of data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), discovering a galaxy candidate, CEERS-93316, that formed approximately 250 million years after the Bing Bang, which also set a new redshift record of z = 16.7. This finding is extremely intriguing as it demonstrates the power of JWST, which only started sending back its first set of data a few weeks ago. CEERS stood for Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey and was specifically created for imaging with JWST.

Image: © NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI A cluster of galaxies including Earendel, the most distant star known in the universe, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI

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